Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Preparing For first Contact by the Pleiadians Chapter 5 Sharman’s First...

Preparing For first Contact by the Pleiadians

Through Suzanne Lie May 31, 2016


Sharman’s First Transmission to Earth

Greetings from our Pleiadian Starship,

Suzanne Lie http://www.multidimensions.com

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

You are all the divine children of God, created perfect, and therefore e...

Jesus through John

Guidance from an elder brother

You are all the divine children of God, created perfect, and therefore eternally perfect! May 30, 2016 by John Smallman


Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

"KRYON in Hungary" 2 of 2 Sunday May 29, 2016

"KRYON in Hungary" 2 of 2 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY May 28 -29 - 2016

Translation - Annamária Verasztó - Photos - Monika Muranyi

Lee Carroll - Peggy Phoenix Dubro - Prageet Harris

Channelling by

Lee Carroll http://www.kryon.com/

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

"KRYON in Hungary" 1 of 2 Saturday May 28, 2016

"KRYON in Hungary" BUDAPEST, HUNGARY May 28 -29 - 2016

Translation - Annamária Verasztó - Photos - Monika Muranyi

Lee Carroll - Peggy Phoenix Dubro - Prageet Harris

Channelling by

Lee Carroll http://www.kryon.com/

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Monday, May 30, 2016

Preparing For First Contact by The Pleiadians Chapter 4 The Debriefing ...

Preparing For First Contact by The Pleiadians

Through Suzanne Lie May 29, 2016

Chapter 4 The Debriefing

Suzanne Lie http://www.multidimensions.com

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

The Latest Message from Archangel Michael "WARRIORS OF LIGHT: PROACTIVE,...

The Latest Message from Archangel Michael


Transmitted Through Ronna, for June 2016

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe *Star*Quest *775-856-3654*

** www.RonnaStar.com ** www.QuestForMastery.org **

Jamie at AwakeningOurTruth.com

Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Love & Heightened Energies ...

Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Love & Heightened Energies  ~ Show #33 KCOR 5-28-2016

The Illuminated human moves into a new playground.

I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST

that's 1:00pm EST http://kcorradio.com/KCOR/Universal-U...

You can find Joanna L. Ross here http://universalunity.ca/

on Twitter https://twitter.com/JoannaLight33

I'm Jamie at http://awakeningourtruth.com/

on Twitter https://twitter.com/Jamie_Hendon

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ascension Tidbits by Kara Schallock May 27, 2016

Ascension Tidbits

by Kara Schallock May 27, 2016

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Kara at http://soulsticerising.com

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self May 27th 2016

Mike Quinsey

Channeling his Higher Self

May 27th 2016

Messages from Spirit by Mike Quinsey http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Morning Conversation with the Arcturians Suzanne Lie 5-26-2016

Morning Conversation with the Arcturians

Suzanne Lie


(Dear Readers, to my surprise the below message flew through me this morning as fast as I could type it. My guess is that many of you are getting similar messages from your higher guidance.)


Dear Arcturians,

Do you have a message for me today?


Yes, Suzille, we do have a message for you. Are you ready to receive it?

Suzanne Lie http://www.multidimensions.com

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Preparing For First Contact A Novel by the Pleiadians Chapter 2 The Reco...

Preparing For First Contact

A Novel by the Pleiadians, through Suzanne Lie

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016

Chapter two - The Recovery

After my long tour on the third dimension, it was taking me longer than usual to re-adapt to my innate fifth dimensional resonance. Fortunately, whenever I awoke from my healing sleep, I saw my beloved complement, Sheila, next to me. With her constant love and caring, I released the painful experiences of my incarnation on third-dimensional Earth and returned to my joyous and unconditionally loving memories on our Pleiadian Starship. Since our Starships resonated to the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond, my healing was basically a process of re-calibrating my consciousness back into my innate fifth dimensional resonance. As I moved through this process of re-calibration, I realized how brave the earthbound humans were to incarnate during that era of great change. While I was recovering from my away mission to Earth, I allowed the memories of my third dimensional experience on transitioning Earth to flow into my mind. I knew that as soon as I was ready, I would be called for a de-briefing of what I had learned on Earth during the era of Her pending transmutation into higher frequencies of resonance. In my mental preparation for my debriefing, the first thing that came into my awareness was how differently I perceived that reality from my fifth dimensional perspective, then when I was living within it.

Suzanne Lie http://www.multidimensions.com

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Saul - Humanity is one with itself, everyone is family, and the true nat...

Saul - Humanity is one with itself, everyone is family, and the true nature of everyone is Love!

05/24/2016 by John Smallman


Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

KRYON - mini & Back to Basics part (2 of 2) Duo and Trio channellng AMST...

KRYON - mini & Back to Basics part (2 of 2) Duo and Trio channellng
Sunday MAY 22, 2016
Channelling by
Lee Carroll http://www.kryon.com
Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

KRYON - mini & Back to Basics AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND Saturday MAY 21, 2016

KRYON - mini & Back to Basics part (1 of 2)
Saturday MAY 21, 2016
Channelling by
Lee Carroll http://www.kryon.com
Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Monday, May 23, 2016

Do You See Us? Blog Novel Chapter 1 by Suzanne Lie MAY 21, 2016

This one made me cry as I remembered what happened to me. Thank you Suzanne Lie for sharing this experience with us.

Do You See Us?

Blog Novel Chapter 1 by Suzanne Lie

MAY 21, 2016


First Contact

I woke up this morning with a sentence in my ear, “Do you see us?” The message seemed so loud and clear that I instantly sat up and began to look around the room. Seeing nothing, I laid back down. As I was closing my eyes, I heard again, “Do you see us?” With a new determination, as this question was clearly not a part of a dream, I got out of bed and started inspecting the room for the “us” that I was supposed to see. But, once again, I saw nothing. Finally, I decided that whether or not I had been dreaming, or was, half asleep, I needed a drink of water. As I started to walk through my bedroom door towards the kitchen, I suddenly “felt” something. To my surprise, it felt like love, in fact it felt like a kind of unconditional love that is very rare in daily life. This was not the kind of human love that many people want, but are actually afraid of. This love did not bring up any issues of “Am I good enough?” This love was free of any concept of "good enough,” and felt totally unconditional.

Suzanne Lie http://www.multidimensions.com

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

Jesus - You are all beautiful beings of intense Light! May 22, 2016 by J...

Saturday, May 21, 2016

My Kundalini Awakening - Part 1 Preparation - AwakeningOurTruth.com

After my awakening I had a hard time connecting with reality, I felt extremely disconnected. I tell my story, so others going through this can understand what is happening, so they don't have as much trouble as I did when I returned.

I hope you enjoy my story and share it with someone you know that might benefit from it. Thank you so much for your interest.

http://awakeningourtruth.com/ @Jamie_Hendon @mysoulsvortex

Pleiadian Message for 2016 Rise and Shine.

Pleiadian Message for January 23, 2016: Rise and Shine.

Message from Scarborough (Master Sarah)

Greetings Starseeds and Enlightened Ones, and to those of you newly awakened ones, we welcome you to your newly created paradigm. It is with great love and admiration, and, yes, even pride, that we, your Ascended Masters, Master Teachers, Angelic Guardians, Star Families and Loved Ones keep watch over you. Although you are in the very early stages (and in varied states of awareness) it is quite clear to us that the majority of your human collective consciousness is on the rise. Sixty-four percent (for those of you who prefer numbers) of your human population is now fully grounded in 5D consciousness and maintaining this vibration quite steadily. That is very good news for Earth and humanity, and we, your Pleiadian brothers and sisters celebrate this victory, for it ensures the evolution of your planet and race into a more peaceful way of being and interacting with one another.

Congratulations to all of you, the Enlightened Ones who have served as the embodied master teachers and wayshowers, empaths, messenger and healers, and the starseeds who have accepted and are now fulfilling or moving into their missions to facilitate the necessary changes that will free the rest of humanity from debt slavery and elitist fear-based control systems. You have all worked so very hard to awaken and evolve into higher consciousness, and we applaud your efforts because we know exactly how much you have struggled with fear, self-doubt, criticism, judgments, accusations and financial setbacks to get where you are. Many of you had to sacrifice everything you thought you knew and everyone you thought you loved as you shed your skin along the way, and we know this was a painful process for you. It is never easy, but it is worth it, and we encourage those of you still struggling to simply let go of the old paradigm, for it is crumbling quickly now, and it is time to focus your collective consciousness toward creating a new Earth that honors all beings and Mother Earth equally with abundance, peace, love and harmony.

© Jen Freer 2016| FreerSpirit.com | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website, FreerSpirit.com

7 Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing, Root To Crown, Binaural Beat Se...

7 Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing, Root To Crown, Binaural Beat Session

Kryon - mini "Spiritual Common Sense" and "Intellectualizing God" April ...

Kryon - "Spiritual Common Sense" and "Intellectualizing God"

Ottawa, Ontario - CANADA

Saturday & Sunday - April 16-17, 2016

Meditation - Dr. Amber Wolf - Music Robert Haig Coxon

Live Kryon Channelling


Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

Ascension Notes - Integrating Who We Are by Kara Schallock May 10, 2016

Ascension Notes

Integrating Who We Are

by Kara Schallock May 10, 2016

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Kara at http://soulsticerising.com

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com

You who are reading or listening to this message are not doing so by cha...

Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother

You who are reading or listening to this message are not doing so by chance.
May 2, 2016 by John Smallman

John at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com

Jamie at http://AwakeningOurTruth.com