Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Preparing for First Contact Chapter 13 Merging with your Fifth Dimension...

Preparing for First Contact

Chapter 13 Merging with your Fifth Dimensional SELF

By the Arcturians, Pleiadians

Through Suzanne Lie June 29, 2016

Greetings, we your Arcturian, Pleiadian, and higher expressions of your SELF, are in the process of joining with your fifth dimensional and beyond energy fields. This joining, which will occur only when you are ready, will flow into your third/fourth dimensional energy fields. When you/we blend that which is an octave jump beyond your present resonance, with your baseline resonance of third/fourth dimensional, you will move into an entirely different operating system. By operating system we mean that you will process reality in a different manner with your fifth dimensional operating system than you processed reality with your third/fourth dimensional operating system. As an example, in your physical world you are ruled by time. On the other hand, in the fifth dimension you are ruled by “the HERE of the NOW.”

Please remember that the members of your Galactic Family are always within you. Thus, you are never alone!

Within the ONE of this NOW, WE are YOU.

The Arcturians and the members of your Galactic Family

Playlist of all chapters here:

Suzanne Lie

Jamie at

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The Latest Message from Archangel Michael July 2016 "THE LAW OF ATTRACTION"

The Latest Message from Archangel Michael July 2016


Transmitted Through Ronna

Playlist of Archangel Michael Messages:

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe *Star*Quest *775-856-3654*

** ** **

Jamie at

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The Arcturian Group - June 26, 2016 by Marilyn Raffaele

The Arcturian Group - June 26, 2016  by Marilyn Raffaele

Galactic Federation of Light

Dear ones, we come with love, respect, and an understanding for you who are experiencing so much at this time. We would like to remind you that the world is now far advanced toward becoming fully aware and because of this, very few world events and personal experiences are accidental. There comes a time for every serious spiritual student when "accidents" or unwanted experiences no longer represent third dimensional thinking, but are experiences necessary for some needed lesson or spiritual growth. As we have said before, once a soul chooses to evolve, the "train leaves the station".

Vashta Narada’s Galactic Art

Representations of entities from different densities, dimensions and realms of consciousness.

by Marilyn Raffaele

Jamie at

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mike Quinsey Message, June 24, 2016 Channeling his Higher-Self

Mike Quinsey Message, June 24, 2016

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey

Jamie at

Mike's Playlist:  

Preparing For First Contact Chapter 12 Your Expanded Sense of Self by A...

Preparing For First Contact
Chapter 12 Your Expanded Sense of Self 
by Arcturians through Sue Lie

Your Expanded Sense of SELF

Some beings came from different Galaxies, such as the Andromeda Galaxy, to explore and often stay within the experience of ascending Earth. We would like to speak a bit about the Andromeda Galaxy.

First, we want to put into perspective that Earth is not even a dot on a universal map: This map marks in yellow the three “local galaxies” of your own Milky Way Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, as well as the Triangulum Galaxy. 

Please remember that the members of your Galactic Family are always within you. Thus, you are never alone!
Within the ONE of this NOW, WE are YOU.
The Arcturians and the members of your Galactic Family

Playlist of all chapters here:

Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

Monday, June 27, 2016

Preparing For First Contact Chapter 12 Your Expanded Sense of Self by A...

Preparing For First Contact
Chapter 12 Your Expanded Sense of Self 
by Arcturians through Sue Lie

Your Expanded Sense of SELF

Some beings came from different Galaxies, such as the Andromeda Galaxy, to explore and often stay within the experience of ascending Earth. We would like to speak a bit about the Andromeda Galaxy.

First, we want to put into perspective that Earth is not even a dot on a universal map: This map marks in yellow the three “local galaxies” of your own Milky Way Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, as well as the Triangulum Galaxy. 

Please remember that the members of your Galactic Family are always within you. Thus, you are never alone!
Within the ONE of this NOW, WE are YOU.
The Arcturians and the members of your Galactic Family

Playlist of all chapters here:

Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kryon – Summer Light Conference 2016


Photos - Monika Muranyi - Music - Robert Coxon

Channelling by
Lee Carroll
Jamie at

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Preparing For First Contact Chapter 8 Multidimensional Energy Streams by...

Preparing For First Contact

Chapter 8 Multidimensional Energy Streams

by The Arcturians through Sue Lie

June 13, 2016

Dear Ascending Ones,

We the Arcturians wish to send this Transmission to Earth. We see that many of you are beginning to remember how YOU create your reality. Therefore we wish to remind you that three powerful tools of creating your reality are...

Suzanne Lie

Jamie at

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Monday, June 13, 2016

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 10 June, 2016 Galactic Feder...

Mike Quinsey

Channeling his Higher Self

June 10th 2016

Galactic Federation of Light

Messages from Spirit by Mike Quinsey

Jamie at

We are the Arcturian Group June 12, 2016 by Marilyn Raffaele

We are the Arcturian Group 6/13/16

Galactic Federation of Light

Welcome dear ones.   As the new world emerges  you are beginning to see the beliefs and concepts of past generations fade away regardless of attempts to hold them in place by those who find their security in them. Looking back even a few years and comparing the thoughts of then versus now and you can see how far you have come.  Animal rights as they are today, were unheard of even as recently as 20 years ago.  Women and men both individually and as groups, are coming to realize that feminine energy is not less than the masculine but that both are equal parts comprising the  whole. Those raised in or taught  beliefs that they were born less than, sinful, or somehow damaged and in need of fixing, are awakening to their true nature and reclaiming the power they ignorantly allowed to be taken from them through these beliefs...

by Marilyn Raffaele

Jamie at

Preparing For First Contact Chapter 7 The Portals are Opening By The Ple...

Preparing For First Contact

The Portals are Opening

By The Pleiadians Through Suzanne Lie

June 10, 2016

Chapter Seven

The Portals Are Opening

Greetings, this is Sharman and Shelia speaking as one being,

Because you, our brave ascending ones, are NOW regaining your innate “Sense of your Multidimensional SELF,” we both wanted to share with all of you the process of returning back into your complete SELF, Divine Complements merged into ONE being...

Suzanne Lie

Jamie at

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Ascension notes - Surrendering and Flowing to What Is - Source through K...

Ascension notes

Surrendering and Flowing to What Is

Source through Kara Schallock

June 10, 2016

Even while we are releasing very deep and very old patterns, we are definitely absorbing more Light, more Love and more Magic! As we clear, we also are clearing our space (aura and environment). We release the clutter and the past so we can be evermore free and present in the New. As we do this, our outer world reflects our inner world. We cannot change within without it affecting our outer. We are embodying our higher consciousness more now. We have the...

Kara at

Jamie at

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Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Compassion ~ Show #35 KCOR ...

Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Compassion  ~ Show #35 KCOR 6-11-2016

I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST

that's 1:00pm EST

You can find Joanna L. Ross here

on Twitter

I'm Jamie at

on Twitter

Friday, June 10, 2016

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donn...

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

through Valerie Donner June 6, 2016

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.

I greet you today with love and optimism. Please know that all is proceeding as planned. We keep a pulse on everything so please understand that all is well. We understand how challenged most of humanity is right now. This is how it is supposed to be because the third dimensional way of living is complete. It is challenging to know within that it is over and that life is going to be entirely different from what you have known.

This ascension process is not for everyone. I am sure you know this as you see some that you love leaving their incarnations. Some are unable to adapt to the changes or they choose not to adapt. Just think if you have had everything your way on planet earth by controlling money, having power and manipulating others, you will be sorely disappointed when you lose your grip. This can be a big shock and you will begin to see how awkward it is becoming for those in this category.

Others are not open to a new earth and a lovely life. They have darkness within they cannot reach so they spread it around in unhealthy ways. To them life is not worth living outside of the third dimension.

You will discover that greed will become a thing of the past. You will become much lighter and younger. You will learn the truth about how the earth has really been run and you will be grateful for the new. Whatever systems and mis-creations are affecting you and the planet right now will be corrected. In fact, they are in the process of being rectified. There is a plan for everything and it is in place.

You will begin feeling healthier and healthier as corrective measures from all of us (the Galactic’s and the Light Alliance) assist you and the earth with healthier food, water, and everything that you require to maintain a disease resistant and healthy life. (You will not need vaccines.)

Right now we recommend that you continue to release clutter in your lives. Most of it is old 3D energy that can hold you back from lightening up. This applies to old emotions as well as to material things. You will find as you release it you will also feel better. We want you to have only the highest and the best energy in your lives.

Please acknowledge the earth and pay attention to what she is doing. She is in the process of clearing out negative energies that are unsuitable for the fifth dimension and higher. She is doing this with her own wisdom all the while loving her children. She needs you to take better care of her and it will become obvious what that means. You will do what needs to be done as it is placed in front of you.

Each of you will be gaining new gifts and abilities to use in your new higher dimensional lives. They will keep coming and you will gain a distance from what you did in the third dimension. It is all part of refining and becoming the perfection that you are intended to become.

We follow your progress, your opening hearts and expanding work with happiness and joy. You are doing well and please remind yourselves that we are with you every step of the way.

I am Mira and I love you.

Valerie Donner at

Jamie at

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Arcturians - Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody through Suzan...

This one made me homesick.

The Arcturians - Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody

through Suzanne Lie June 7, 2016

The Arcturians

More and more people, especially those who meditate on a regular basis, are beginning to have their initial experiences of Lightbody. The Light of your Lightbody is within yourself, within your spinal cord, within that kundalini energy that is within the core of your spinal column. The kundalini energy is stored at the base of the spine and is often known as the “Sleeping Serpent.” As your consciousness expands into your fifth dimensional gamma waves, the kundalini energy begins to rise up your spine. At first, the kundalini moves up a little bit, you must adjust to that unique feeling, as well as the other new sensations in your body. Therefore, you go back into your daily life, and the Kundalini moves back down into the...

Suzanne Lie

Jamie at

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Manifestation Point Archangel Metatron & The 33rd Dimension by ANNA...

The Manifestation Point

Archangel Metatron & The 33rd Dimension

by ANNAMERKABA on JUNE 5, 2016

Please check out AnnaMerkaba's Channel:

Annamerkaba at


Metatron and the 33rd Dimension…

The configuration of the heavenly abodes has allowed a massive amount of liberating energies to emanate onto your plane of existence. The newly constructed configuration of the heavenly abodes has allowed the transparency of all that has been hidden from view to rise from the ashes of the past and the new informational decrees to float freely onto your plane of existence, into your consciousness of Being. Each module of information packet to be delivered into your subatomic principles of Being in order to ignite the informational encodings already implemented into the codices of your DNA structure and awaken from slumber the hidden potential of your vehicle of choice....

I'm Jamie at

on Twitter

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self June 3rd 2016 Galactic Family of...

Mike Quinsey

Channeling his Higher Self

June 3rd 2016

Messages from Spirit by Mike Quinsey

Jamie at

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Preparing For first Contact by the Pleiadians Chapter 6 The Second Trans...


By the Pleiadians

Through Suzanne Lie



The Second Transmissions to Earth

Greetings to our Earth Family,

I am Commander Sharman here again to send you our second Pleiadian transmission to Earth. I have already shared quite a bit of my experiences of taking an earth vessel during the timeline circa 2016 AD. However, since many of you will also be returning to your Starships or Home worlds, I would like to speak a bit about my process of returning home to my Ship after a rather long incarnation on 3D Earth. As I have said, my Divine Complement, Shelia, greatly assisted me in recalibrating my frequency back into my innate fifth dimensional resonance. What I discovered was that the reason that I had become so lost in the third dimension was because my frequency of resonance fell out of alignment with my fifth dimensional core. From my long visit to third dimensional Earth, I totally understood how easy it was to calibrate your self to your social environment, rather than to the frequency of Gaia. If I had remained in total resonance with Earth, I would not have become so lost because I would have felt the protection of an entire planet. When I accepted my assignment, I had not been planet bound for many experiential cycles, which as close to “time” as one gets while living within the fifth dimensional now. Therefore, I fell out of calibration with planet Earth. Also, the fear that is often so intense on Earth after all your atrocities of war, made it difficult to stay calibrated to my true fifth dimensional resonance.

Suzanne Lie

Jamie at

Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ The Softening and the new Hu...

Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ The Softening and the new Human ~ Show #34 KCOR 6-4-2016

I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST

that's 1:00pm EST

You can find Joanna L. Ross here

on Twitter

I'm Jamie at

on Twitter

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Galactic Federation of Light - The Arcturian Group May 29, 2016

Galactic Federation of Light - The Arcturian Group May 29, 2016

Dear ones,  once again we speak of love, for love is the glue that holds all things together.  Because the resonance of the world is becoming ever more enlightened, you are seeing and hearing messages and articles about love from many different sources on all levels of understanding.  World consciousness is beginning to open to  love.

We are the Arcturian Group

Marilyn Raffaele at

Jamie at

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