Sunday, July 31, 2016
Latest Message from Archangel Michael Open Letter to Ascending Starseed ...
Latest Message from Archangel Michael
Open Letter to Ascending Starseed Souls
Transmitted Through Ronna, August 2016
Playlist of Archangel Michael Messages:
I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe *Star*Quest *775-856-3654*
** ** **
Jamie at
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In the illusion it is necessary for each human to find their own individ...
In the illusion it is necessary for each human to find their own individual paths to awakening.
07/29/2016 by John Smallman
Jesus playlist
Jamie at
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Total self-honesty is an essential aspect of the awakening process. July...
Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother
Total self-honesty is an essential aspect of the awakening process.
July 31, 2016 by John Smallman
by John Smallman
Jesus playlist
Jamie at
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Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Vibrational Codings ~ Show #...
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Vibrational Codings ~ Show #40 KCOR 7-30-2016
I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST
that's 1:00pm EST
You can find Joanna L. Ross here
on Twitter
Universal Unity Playlist:
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Ascension Notes: True Freedom July 30, 2016 by Kara Schallock
Ascension Notes: True Freedom July 30, 2016
by Kara Schallock at
Ascension Notes Playlist:
Jamie at
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Friday, July 29, 2016
Preparing For First Contact - Chapter 18 - The Inner Stairway By the Ple...
Preparing For First Contact - Chapter Eighteen - The Inner Stairway
By the Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie July 28, 2016
Chapter Eighteen
The Inner Stairway Home
Sharman here. I have returned from my last visit to Earth as a “normal human.” I have learned a lot and wanted to share with you what I have discovered. Of course, many of you on Earth are familiar with what I will say. However, I am hoping that my perception of your current reality may, in some manner, assist you with the many challenges that you are currently facing in your third/fourth dimensional versions of reality. There are massive changes taking place within the body of dear Gaia, as well as within the hearts and minds of many of Her humans. On the other hand, there are many other humans who appear to be going backwards into fears, lies, and deceit, rather than forward into unconditional love and cosmic truth. It is quite common for a reality on the cusp of transmutation to experience this dualistic form of reality. What is occurring is that the inhabitants of Gaia are deciding if they are ready to look deep within to clear their OWN old fears. Once their own fears are consciously acknowledged and forgiven, they can better welcome the new versions of reality that are based on love and unity. During this energetic transition into the next octave of your consciousness, your “primary version of reality” will shift from day to day.
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016
The Arcturian Group July 24, 2016 by Marilyn Raffaele
The Arcturian Group July 24, 2016 by Marilyn Raffaele
Galactic Federation of Light
Dear friends, as we observe the struggles and confusion many of you are experiencing at this time we wish you to know that every thing happening is a necessary part of mans ongoing ascension process, these things are serving to wake people up. It is impossible to fully understand or figure out solutions with the human mind for much of what is going on is simply not what it seems.
by Marilyn Raffaele
Jamie at
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Suffering and sacrifice serve no useful purpose. July 24, 2016 by John S...
Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother
Suffering and sacrifice serve no useful purpose.
July 24, 2016 by John Smallman
by John Smallman
Jesus playlist
Jamie at
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Kryon - "Prepared for YOU!" - "Human Grandness" and mini July 23-24, 2016
Kryon - "Prepared for YOU!" - "Human Grandness"
Portland, Oregon Saturday & Sunday - July 23-24, 2016
"Prepared for YOU!" - "Human Grandness"
Dr. Amber Wolf - Meditation
Kryon Channelling by
Lee Carroll
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Sunday, July 24, 2016
UU - New Earth Consciousness ~ Shifting Frequencies, Parallel Realities ...
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Shifting Frequencies, Parallel Realities & Parallel Dimensions ~ Show #39 KCOR 7-23-2016
I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST
that's 1:00pm EST
You can find Joanna L. Ross here
on Twitter
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Quick Arcturian Bulletin The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie July 21, 2016
Quick Arcturian Bulletin The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie July 21, 2016
Greetings, we are the Arcturians,
Suzille has been feeling us all morning, but has not been able to concentrate her energy fields in that manner as she is preparing everything that she wants to take on her vacation. So she has asked that we speak to her NOW when she doesn’t have ‘something else to do.’
Playlist of Preparing for First Contact all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Stake Your Claim Now - The Council July 19, 2016
Stake Your Claim Now - The Council
July 19, 2016
It is time to stake your claim now. For years we have spoken with you through many channels about a great variety of things, but these have always centered around a specific subject. Never have we wandered too far from it, nor have we stayed long when we did.
We have spoken of the fact that you are all energy beings. You have had no great problem realizing that intellectually.
We have spoken of the fact that you are aware only of a very small portion of your true being. Most of you have had no trouble with that point.
We have spoken of the fact that in view of the two statements made above, you are a facet, a face, an arm if you will, of the Divine All. Most of you were able to intellectually agree with that, as well.
We could continue in this vein, but we think you understand. Now we would point out to you that there is a vast gulf between intellectually understanding, even agreeing with, a statement or teaching and making it the underlying truth of one’s being. And because of that, the greater portion of the gift of those truths lies unclaimed by you.
Now we know that this is of course not your intention. What it is, is a result of having truth hidden from you for many lifetimes. Your smallness and your supposed unworthiness has been drummed into you for a very long time. And when your personal pain wasn’t being used, you were caused to witness that of others. They were powerful lessons indeed. And they continue to be used.
But now it is time. It is time to understand where you are and what you are about. It is time to understand why. And above all, it is time for you to finally lay claim to your true identity. Doing this will have a far greater effect than just the remaking of your own life, which it will do. But it will cause reverberations throughout the energy field of your species, your world, and far beyond the reach of your current imagination.
You are fond of calling yourselves lightworkers, light beings, light warriors, and some name themselves as angels, etc. But few of you understand what you are really saying. That is alright, but it is time now for you to be what you have proposed to be in its fullness. And it is time to move from understanding and desiring into knowing and being. It is time to claim and to own the truth of who you are.
Do this consciously. Do this with great intention. Do this with all of your might. And do it with the understanding that is true for each every one of you, even those with whom you do not agree.
When you begin to move through your life in this knowing, your life will have nothing else to do but become what you see in love. You are, after all, and have always been, the creators of it. But in the past you have allowed others to create a huge amount of it for you. Simply by agreeing to what you are told is one way that happens, you see.
Now we would have you claim the power of what you are and begin to know yourselves as that power. It is time.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
Jamie at
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Channelling by Lee Carroll "Point Source Syndrome" - "Help past 2012"
Channelling by Lee Carroll
"Point Source Syndrome" - "Help past 2012"
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Saturday & Sunday - July 16-17, 2016
Dr. Amber Wolf - Meditation
Channelling by Lee Carroll
Jamie at
2016 Kryon Playlist:
Monday, July 18, 2016
Preparing For First Contact Chapter 17 Energetic Communications by The...
Preparing For First Contact
Chapter 17 Energetic Communications
by The Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie July 18, 2016
Energetic Communications
Greetings. I am Sharman here again to speak with you. I am actually wearing an earth vessel within your NOW, so that I can walk among you to best feel the human energy fields. I wear different “disguises” on different days depending on what area I am visiting. At the end of each day, I return to my cloaked Ship to “call home” to share what I have experienced. I was chosen for this mission because I spent a long lifetime as a human and learned, to “read” many of the thoughts and emotions of the humans that I observed.
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Humanity is waking up! 07/17/2016 by John Smallman
Saul - Humanity is waking up!
07/17/2016 by John Smallman
Jamie at
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Ascension Notes - Finally...a new Ascension Note - July 16, 2016
Ascension Notes - Finally...a new Ascension Note - July 16, 2016
by Kara Schallock at
Ascension Notes Playlist:
Jamie at
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Saturday, July 16, 2016
Mike Quinsey A Message from my Higher Self July 15, 2016
Mike Quinsey
A Message from my Higher Self
July 15, 2016
Events are speeding up and as the vibrations increase you will be quickly heading for the last days of the old Age. Every soul whether they realise it or not is being affected but few understand what is taking place. The changes seem to have no apparent objective and leave some people in fear with no idea what the future holds. Unbeknown to most of them it is all part of the cleansing that is necessary to set the scene, so that the New Age can manifest and do so at a time when there can be no interference. Already most countries are aware that great changes are approaching that will be for the good of all, and coming together in co-operation. Meanwhile the old energies are dying out, and not without a fight but it will be to no avail as nothing will prevent the changes from taking place.....
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey
Mike's Playlist:
I'm Jamie at
Jesus Remember that all attacks are Fear driven responses by those despe...
Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother
Remember that all attacks or modes of defensiveness are fear-driven responses by those desperately seeking to be loved.
July 16, 2016 by John Smallman
by John Smallman
Jesus playlist
Jamie at
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Preparing For First Contact Chapter 16 Shelia's Story by The Arcturian...
Preparing For First Contact - Chapter Sixteen - Shelia's Story
by The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie - July 15, 2016
Beloved Earth Citizens,
Sharman is “on assignment” orbiting Earth. Therefore, I will take over his role of sending regular messages to our Earth friends and family who are currently on planet Earth. We/I speak for all our Galactic Family, as we all lovingly embrace Earth and Her transmuting inhabitants.
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Friday, July 15, 2016
Universal Symbolism
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Physical Body ~ by Joanna L. Ross 7-15-2016 Short excerpt from the show
I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST that's 1:00pm EST
KCOR Saturday Live Shows ~
KCOR Digital Radio Network *
Inspired and ignited for our monthly classes or high vibration radio
shows, entangle with us here:
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Original meditation by Joanna L. Ross
Connect with our meditation and align with your highest and best and create the free flow of information with your higher self.
Preparing the ascending ones for contact, higher realm communication, and ascension for new earth!
Blessings and light,
{ Joanna L. Ross & Audio Visual technical Assistant ~ Ashten Zimmerman } on Twitter
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Universal Unity - Physical Body - by Joanna L. Ross
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Physical Body ~ by Joanna L. Ross 7-15-2016 Short excerpt from the show
I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST that's 1:00pm EST
KCOR Saturday Live Shows ~
KCOR Digital Radio Network *
Inspired and ignited for our monthly classes or high vibration radio
shows, entangle with us here:
Subscribe for more meditations:
Visit our WebPage:
Original meditation by Joanna L. Ross
Connect with our meditation and align with your highest and best and create the free flow of information with your higher self.
Preparing the ascending ones for contact, higher realm communication, and ascension for new earth!
Blessings and light,
{ Joanna L. Ross & Audio Visual technical Assistant ~ Ashten Zimmerman } on Twitter
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Important Points from the latest Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series The ...
Important Points from the latest
Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series
The Arcturians - through Sue Lie
July 13, 2016
Dear Readers,
There are so many wonderful points made by the Arcturians that I wanted to share some of them. Also, then you will better understand the Arcturian message in the next AALS, Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series, which will be offered in...
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016
3 KRYON CHANNELINGS "Transition" - "Nothing is Random!" "The Resilient ...
Saturday & Sunday - July 9-10, 2016
"Transition" - "Nothing is Random!" - "The Resilient Human"
Delphi University - Georgia
Dr. Amber Wolf - Meditation
Channelling by Lee Carroll
Jamie at
2016 Kryon Playlist:
Monday, July 11, 2016
Within each one of you the whole universe is present. 07/10/2016 by John...
Within each one of you the whole universe is present.
07/10/2016 by John Smallman
Playlist here:
Jamie at
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Sunday, July 10, 2016
The Arcturian Group July 10, 2016 by Marilyn Raffaele
The Arcturian Group
July 10, 2016 by Marilyn Raffaele
Greetings with love from the Arcturian Group.
We come with messages of hope and deeper understanding for you in these times of violence and suffering for so many. Powerful high dimensional energies of ascension are affecting the earth and everyone on it at this time causing those who do not understand what is happening to lash out in frustration and fear, the only tools they know....
You are on a grand journey toward awareness of this.
We are the Arcturian Group 7/10/16
Playlist here:
by Marilyn Raffaele
Jamie at
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Vibrational Encodings ~ Show...
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Vibrational Encodings ~ Show #38 KCOR 7-9-2016
I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST
that's 1:00pm EST
You can find Joanna L. Ross here
on Twitter
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Preparing For First Contact Chapter 15 Being An Agent For the Arcturian...
Preparing For First Contact
By the Arcturians
through Suzanne Lie July 9, 2016
Chapter Fifthteen
Being An Agent For the Arcturians
Greetings, We the Arcturians wish to share a message with you within this NOW. We see that many of you are being awakened...
It would be great if you share your answers in the comments section.
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Saturday, July 9, 2016
Your whole way of human life is based on a very powerful belief in limit...
Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother
Your whole way of human life is based on a very powerful belief in limitation! July 9, 2016
by John Smallman
Jesus playlist
Jamie at
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Thursday, July 7, 2016
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Don...
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner July 5, 2016
Greetings, I am Mira. As you know I am working full time with the Earth Council as you move through the ascension process. I greet you today to tell you that all is well.
We continue to work diligently for the tasks at hand. There is much to do and yet overall the accomplishments are profound. It is rather like you, the ground crew, who are working night and day to clean up what is in front of you. We know that you will be pleased when you are complete with this process.
Yes, there is still resistance to the light as you can well imagine. Letting go of power and control such as what the dark forces are accustomed to having is a challenge for some. They can be stalwart in their nature as they attempt to capture their final moments of the glory of the past and how they had things their way.
It is wonderful for me to tell you that this resistance is lessening as they are realizing there is no way out. We have made that clear. The Light is in motion and is accelerating with breakneck speed. It is spot on where it needs to be for the earth and the human collective.
If you take but a few moments to reflect upon where your lives are now compared to a year ago, you will marvel at your progress. The level of healing and clearing that you and the earth have done is almost beyond comprehension. This is why the light is penetrating at the deepest levels where there is the most need.
In addition we have amassed a huge amount of galactic and light forces that are also holding the energy for this most auspicious time for the planet. You can rest assuredly that you have earned this special place in the heart of creation for all that you have done to facilitate the ascension process. You are loved deeply and completely. Even if you might feel that you could do more for the process, please know that your presence on the planet is enough. Your energy is what we use to anchor in more of the light and ascension energies.
I know that many of you have lots of questions about what will happen next. Please understand this is an evolutionary process. Plans are laid in place for all aspects of your lives. Major improvements are in the works. The timing depends on numerous conditions including planetary, astrological, spiritual, emotional and physical. We are aware that most of the lightworkers are ready for a divine intervention and you have earned it.
The earth has been a school of intense learning. Every lesson that you have learned is shared with counterparts on the other side in higher dimensions. There is a reciprocal educational exchange. This is the only planet with such powerful emotional bodies and this learning will be shared throughout creation.
Today we honor and bless you, courageous ones. You have the stamina to ride through these final days of the third dimension. We send you energy and love to brighten your way and can only anticipate the day of our meeting in person. You will be astounded and will celebrate with us as we put the finishing touches upon the creation of our new earth.
Good bye for now. I am Mira.
Valerie Donner at
Jamie at
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Honor and respect yourselves and behave in ways that live up to that hon...
Saul - Honor and respect yourselves and behave in ways that live up to that honor and respect.
July 06, 2016 by John Smallman
Jamie at
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Wednesday, July 6, 2016
PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT By the Pleiadians Through Suzanne Lie July 5...
By the Pleiadians
Through Suzanne Lie
July 5, 2016
Conversations With Your SELF
Greetings, I am Sharman, back again to speak with you. I wish I could tell you of our latest adventures on Earth, but it is not yet safe enough to do so. We have heard many of you ask, “Why is there still darkness in our world?” Hence, that question will be the core of our message to you within your NOW. Yes, there is still darkness in your reality, but there is more “light” within your NOW than has been experienced in many generations of your “time.” Part of the reason why there is more “light” is because you, our volunteers to Gaia, have been expanding your consciousness into higher and higher dimensions. Since your state of consciousness determines the frequency of reality that you are perceiving, and thus experiencing, more and more of you are silently slipping into fifth dimensional Earth. Since you are still experiencing the process of transmuting your reality into the next octave, you are having experiences of slipping in to and out of fifth dimensional Earth.
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Tuesday, July 5, 2016
The Council - Everything That You Want Is Available To You - July 5, 2016
The Council
Everything That You Want Is Available To You
July 5, 2016
Many of you spend great amounts of your time each day searching for, yearning for, asking for things that you are sure will make your lives better. Many of you are asking for things that you understand as being able to make yourselves more complete. And you think that perhaps you are doing something wrong or perhaps that you have not yet discovered some magic key.
We will say to you that the yearning is in great part a knowing of what is possible for you. We will say that whatever you need will be yours when it is needed. Is there something wrong with desiring to have it before such a time? No, there is not. In fact, less likely would be a better term than wrong. Does that mean that you may not have it? No, of course it does not. When you were young, did you not have a bicycle even though you could have done without one? So, what’s going on?
You are learning. You are learning who you are. You are learning what you are capable of. You are learning now what you are becoming, another little added piece of your life’s puzzle. You have been told recently that you are now becoming multi-dimensional beings. You have new tools, new abilities. What in the world does that mean?
As usual, we will point out that it will mean different things to each of you, even though there will be many similarities.
There are those among you who truly miss having capabilities that you know very well are a part of you. You feel as if they are misplaced in a wrong pocket. There is no question in your minds that they exist. You ask us over and over to help you claim them. You see them all around you, and yet…
We do not have control over your gifts, you see. Who would have that control? Why, of course that is you. So, what are we saying?
We are suggesting that you turn your sight, your intentions, your ‘manifesting magnets’, and your requests inward. Speak with your Self with the full understanding that you are a part of her, a part of him. And have a sure understanding of how you intend to use those manifestations when they arrive.
Be ultra-sure that having them pop into your reality suddenly would not be, shall we say, disconcerting. Suddenly you hear conversations all around you. Suddenly you see people walking through your doors and walls. You should realize that you are awakening gradually not because you have done something wrong, but because your comfort zones are being worked with. Come to an agreement with your Self. And magnetize. You know how to do that. Only point your magnets inward. Now, when you see these things emerging for others, is a time of possibilities.
It is a time of possibilities because of the current energies of the world you are living in, not because we say so. So it is rather like looking in all the pockets of your jeans instead of on the floor around you. You know those things are not on the floor around you, so stop searching there.
Now if we may, let us take a quick look at the current state of your surroundings. Things appear to be a bit chaotic and unpredictable. So allow us to make a small prediction. We predict that everything will be all right. You would not have thought so at a great many times in your history. Is that not so? If you were standing in front of the gates when the Huns approached the city, would you have thought everything would be OK? And yet, here you are, living in a world that you could not have imagined then, could not have imagined a few scant years ago.
Everything will be all right. How many times have you been told, “Be not afraid?” Quite a few, we think. You will be afraid if you believe that the world is happening to you. You will be unafraid if you understand that you are its cocreator. Your thought, your emotion, your intent, your beliefs have as much effect on the outcome as anyone’s. And everyone’s has an effect. Smiling we say, “Your vote counts.” And the system is rigged. How many times do you open a door and see the dark rush in and make a lit room dark? So, the force is with you.
Blessings and love to you this day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
Kryon - "The Field" - part 2 LAGUNA HILLS, CALIFORNIA Sunday - July 3, 2016
Kryon - "The Field"
Sunday - July 3, 2016
Kryon Channelling by
Lee Carroll
Jamie at
Kryon - Soul Stewardship - part 1 LAGUNA HILLS, CALIFORNIA - July 2, 2016
Kryon - Soul Stewardship
Saturday - July 2, 2016
Kryon Channelling by
Lee Carroll
Jamie at
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