Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Unity, Oneness, All That Is – The Council August 31, 2016
Unity, Oneness, All That Is – The Council August 31, 2016
If we may offer a small bit of advice at this time, it would be this: develop a habit, a new habit. Change the way you think of yourself.
Now there are a great many ways you could do that beneficially. And it is true that most of you who will read this have been occupied with this sort of thing for a very long time. But we are suggesting a specific change that will be important even until the very moment of your rapidly approaching consciousness expanding event.
Love and blessings to each of you now. Good day.
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Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
The Accelerated Timeline has been Chosen Posted on August 31, 2016 by Je...
The Accelerated Timeline has been Chosen
Posted on August 31, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz
We come with the exciting news that indeed the accelerated timeline has been chosen. Each of your higher selves were questioned and the consensus was that as a whole, humanity is ready for this big step. The higher energies have begun already and those most sensitive among you are already feeling the shift. It is important that each of you bring forth the highest possible reality within your own personal being. To consciously make sure that all of your being, your thoughts, words and deeds reflect the highest timeline, one of full embodiment.
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I'm Jamie @
For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit Information on Obtaining a Reading or to book directly go to
Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters
Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.
**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **
LEAVING TIME The Arcturians-through Sue lie TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2016
The Arcturians-through Sue lie
I wrote this in July when we were on the 101 Highway going to Northern California. The traffic was practically stopped, and I could “feel” the aura of all the fires that were burning in that area of the state. I remember that I asked the Arcturians about the upcoming presidential votes, and wrote down their answer on the only paper I could find. I have not released it till now, well, you will know why when you read it…
Arcturian Playlist:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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The latest Ascension Note, "Being Love; Being Peace." August 29, 2016 b...
The latest Ascension Note, "Being Love; Being Peace." August 29, 2016 by Kara Schallock at
Ascension Notes Playlist:
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I'm Jamie @
Quan Yin ~ Reclaim your Sovereignty by Jenny Schiltz August 19, 2016
We come to you today to talk about an important subject. It is the understanding of your true power and the changing of your perception. We understand that this process has been difficult and many of you have toiled on for years. What you must know deep within your being is that there is no longer anything holding you back from achieving the peace within yourself that you so desperately crave. It is you who must now change all that you have come to know and believe.
To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to
Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.
**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **
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Jamie at
The Arcturian Group August 28, 2016 by Marilyn Raffaele Galactic Federat...
The Arcturian Group August 28, 2016 by Marilyn Raffaele
Galactic Federation of Light
Dear ones, we observe the confusion and emotions causing many of you to think you have somehow lost your way. The spiritual journey has changed from the way you have known it in the past for it is no longer a path of seeking and searching, but is now an action of realizing, accepting, and living; "I already am everything I have been seeking".
by Marilyn Raffaele
Jamie at
Within This NOW by The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie AUGUST 28, 2016
Within This NOW
by The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
AUGUST 28, 2016
Within this NOW you are not fully in your third/fourth dimensional body. Nor are you fully in your fifth dimensional body. This is not because you did something wrong, but because you are a prototype. A prototype is defined as: “An original or first model from which other forms are copied or developed.”
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Sunday, August 28, 2016
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Crystalline Potentials ~ Sho...
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Crystalline Potentials ~ Show #43 KCOR 8-27-2016
I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST
that's 1:00pm EST
You can find Joanna L. Ross here
on Twitter
Universal Unity Playlist:
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Friday, August 26, 2016
Mike Quinsey Message from my Higher Self August 26th 2016
Mike Quinsey Message from my Higher Self August 26th 2016
Mike's Playlist:
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey
If you're missing the transcription, don't worry I got them right
I'm Jamie at
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Inter-dimensional Portals by The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie August 2...
Inter-dimensional Portals by The Arcturians
through Suzanne Lie August 25, 2016
Sometimes we feel as if we are on the edge of going in to and out of time. What we have heard inside is that once we get to a certain degree of alignment with our fifth dimensional self, we begin to see reality as it is, in the NOW, instead of the third dimensional perceptions in which we view reality as it “should be,” or “where we want to be,” or “how it has been in the past.” Right NOW, within our every thought, within every second of the time, and with every emotion, we are creating our reality. We are also beginning to discover that it is our greatest challenges that force us to follow our own destiny. When we are able to perceive reality within the NOW, rather than some version of the past or hope for the future, we begin to realize that WE have created our life to be a reality on the edge of the NOW of the fifth dimension. When we are standing at the edge of our octave shift into a fifth dimensional reality system, we think of that transmutation into the fifth dimension as a major reality shift. In the third/fourth dimensions we were trying to remember who we really were and why we got this Earth vessel.
Playlist of all chapters here:
Jamie at
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Thursday, August 25, 2016
Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself Shifting From Fear to Love by Jeff Street
Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself
Shifting From Fear to Love by Jeff Street
Fear is running rampant on our world and it is blinding many to the inner guiding voice of their soul, and keeping us from creating a better world. We can all transcend our fears by embracing a few higher truths and increasing our awareness of a few important points.
A World of Fear
Our world is dominated by fear. Fear of terrorism, fear of getting old, fear of death, fear of cancer, fear of whatever — you name it. The mainstream media bombards us with bad news. Commercial interests play on our many insecurities and fears to sell product. Our fears are reflected in the wars we wage. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on you name it. Our fears are reflected in the themes and archetypes in our fiction — zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, end-of-the-world, good vs. evil, etc. Our fears are reflected subtlety and not so subtlety in all aspects of our lives and the world we create. On a personal level, many of us allow the painful or challenging experiences of our past to dominate our thinking and responses in the present. We live in fear of re-experiencing past traumas and become guarded, defensive, and reactive rather than staying open and present. Perhaps our deepest fears are of not having enough, or not being enough. Of not being able to provide physically for ourselves and not being good enough, worthy enough, deserving enough. Fears that were born from the illusion of limitation our reality encourages. We have become lost in this realm of separation and duality and have come to believe deeply in limitation and separation as absolutes of existence. We have lost touch with our higher self who knows no limitation and no separation from the one and the all.
Jeff's Website:
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I'm Jamie @
'Temple Invocation of Light' from our Sacred Temple Teachings with Joann...
Sacred Temple Teachings - 'Invocation of Light' with Joanna L. Ross
* Universal Unity First Contact & Sacred Temple Teachings Global Classes and Webinars *
Join our next class on September 10th.
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Original meditation by Joanna L. Ross
Connect with our meditation and align with your highest and best and create the free flow of information with your higher self.
Preparing the ascending ones for contact, higher realm communication, and ascension for new earth!
Did you know we are on the radio at KCOR? I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST that's 1:00pm EST
KCOR Saturday Live Shows ~
KCOR Digital Radio Network *
Inspired and ignited for our monthly classes or high vibration radio
shows, entangle with us here:
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Original meditation by Joanna L. Ross
Connect with our meditation and align with your highest and best and create the free flow of information with your higher self.
Preparing the ascending ones for contact, higher realm communication, and ascension for new earth!
Blessings and light,
{ Joanna L. Ross & Audio Visual technical Assistant ~ Ashten Zimmerman } on Twitter
I'm Jamie at
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Pleiadians - you have landed on safe grounds by Méline Portia Lafont
As conveyed through Méline portia Lafont
Awaken Spirit from Within
Voice: Méline Portia Lafont
You can download the audio version of this transmission for free at: (free products)
Music: Michael Hammer ~ Doorway to the pleiades
Book your session with the Pleiadians at:!reading...
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2015, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered
Jamie at
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Meditation ~ Pure Love Activation from Mary Magdalene ~ Channeled by Fra...
Meditation ~ Pure Love Activation from Mary Magdalene ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda
Greetings, It is I, Mary Magdalene, infiltrating your very Being with pure soft Love energy, expanding throughout your cells and incorporating your Whole Being. I AM the softness of pure energy with which you have a match – The Love of Creator in every cell of your Being – The Love expanding with pure, soft lilting essence taking over your very Being – The pure soft color of Gold and Magenta planted and anchored and expanding to infinite possibilities.
Feel it now as I incorporate your very Infinite Essence with Love Energy that is so pure and complete that you feel it with every cell, every molecule of every cell, and every atom, and on and on, ad infinitum, to the smallest particle of your Being, in that it absorbs all impurities, and with alchemic precision, dispels and transmutes all impurities into the pure soft Love that you are, by just your intention to absorb and welcome the impurities into your very essence as it simultaneously transmutes to the Divine Essence that you are – Pure Golden Energy with many colors of the rainbow infiltrating and residing in each cell as the crystalline nature (of you) becomes more apparent.
And this is your alchemy. This is your true nature. This is your essence. It is all one and the same: Love becomes You and you become Love, and forever and always you reside within it. It resides within you. It is the makeup of every smallest particle of your Being. All together it blends into the Love that you are.
And dear ones, this is key to your ascension. Feel as if you are Love floating, Love incarnate, Love moving, Love in action, Love amongst all – All amongst you, in Love and Purity.
The essence of your Being is the essence of All as you welcome the pure soft energy to be at the core of every word, every thought, every action, everything you observe, and everything you think and do – Everything that you are. Now and Always.
Think of it as instead of seeing your cells as filled with physical matter, you see them filled with golden and soft pink and magenta wisps of softness, swirling and liquid in makeup. It exudes out to cover all the space in and around your cells. You become fluid with Love. You become substantial in Love. You. Become. Love – Nothing but Love.
Allow this Love to form and create everything in your world. Let it become the basis of your Thought and Creation, and see it manifesting as what you wish to see in your world, what you wish to experience in your world – What you Are in this world.
The Love that is You then becomes a gift to the world and a gift to you that you cherish always. You are the Gift. You are the Love. You are the Everything in this world. For you are One with it. Your Love particles stimulate all other particles in you, and on outward to stimulate all other particles and Beings, as if just by being there, it turns on the other particles, on and outward to Infinity.
So now there are many Love particles making up everything in your body, and lightbody, everything in your environment, everything in your Universe and Multiverse. Everything becomes Love because it IS Love. It is just being turned on to remembering its true essence. It takes over the World; it takes over the Multiverse, this alchemy into True Divine Love making up everything in the Multiverse.
And I give this to you in pure intention that you make this your own truth. And I support each and every one of you in this endeavor.
For now and always, I AM Mary Magdalene in Pure Love Essence.
Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.
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Kryon 2016 Channelling "Opening to a Larger Akash" - Indianapolis, Indi...
Kryon 2016 Channelling "Opening to a Larger Akash"
Indianapolis, Indiana Sunday - August 21, 2016
by Lee Carroll
The voice of Kryon… The Magnetic Master
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Kryon 2016 Channelling "Rewriting the Past" by Lee Carroll St. Louis, Mi...
Kryon 2016 Channelling "Adironnda & Kryon" & "Rewriting the Past" - St. Louis, Missouri Saturday - August 20, 2016
by Lee Carroll & Marilyn Harper
The voice of Kryon… The Magnetic Master
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Monday, August 22, 2016
A Morning Message by The Arcturians through Sue Lie August 22, 2016
A Morning Message by The Arcturians
through Sue Lie August 22, 2016
Imagine that you wake up, a bit late for your day, and rush to the bathroom to take your morning shower. You check the temperature and step into the shower. BUT this time, the shower feels as if the water is light. You look up into the showerhead and have a vision that the shower is actually a Portal, and the Portal is raining down many warm streams of Light. You stand very still and allow the shower of light to cover your totally naked body. When you enter the shower, you take nothing with you. All your possessions, or even the clothes that cover your body, remain outside of the shower, as you step inside the shower....
Playlist of all chapters here:
Jamie at
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Sunday, August 21, 2016
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Universal Families ~ Show #4...
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Universal Families ~ Show #42 KCOR 8-20-2016
I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST
that's 1:00pm EST
You can find Joanna L. Ross here
on Twitter
Universal Unity Playlist:
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Ascension Notes: Being Authentically You August 13, 2016 by Kara Schallock
Ascension Notes: Being Authentically You August 13, 2016
by Kara Schallock at
Ascension Notes Playlist:
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I'm Jamie @
Friday, August 19, 2016
The Mechanics of Reality Creation
The Mechanics of Reality Creation by Jeff Street August 18, 2016
In this article, I'm once again exploring one of my favorite topics — manifestation. It's a favorite of mine for two reasons; (1) my personal experiences have convinced me that it is very real — the correlation between my thoughts and desires and what appears in my life has been undeniable, (2) The topic is so empowering and important! Realizing your creatorship can dramatically change your life and the world, what could be more important than that.
Thank you so much for Sharing and Subscribing
I'm Jamie @
Playing the Field – The Council August 17, 2016
Playing the Field – The Council
August 17, 2016 by Ron Head
The field we are referencing is what many call the All That is. You have many other names for it, and wars have been fought over whose name for it is correct. No name for it is so correct that another name for it is wrong. And that is precisely because no name for it will ever describe it in its completeness. And no name that we can give you will do that either. This fact has been used by many to manipulate you. As is taught by some, the name is not the moon. It is a finger pointing at the moon. In other words, experience is the only way.
Love and blessings to each of you now. Good day.
Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
Mike Quinsey Message, August 19, 2016
Mike Quinsey Message, August 19, 2016
You who have your ears to the ground will know that “Revaluation” is so near, and together with other changes are soon to signal their commencement. A mammoth task is nearing completion and will give you undeniable proof that the Illuminati have lost their ability to dictate events according to their wishes. They will still exist as a nuisance until they are imprisoned which shall be their ultimate fate. As proof of it, moves that have been waiting for the right time can now go ahead. The negative forces delight in the publicity their actions bring about, but by no means have had things their own way. The Forces of Light continually work behind the scenes preferring to keep their intentions as secret as possible. The truth is that they are superior to the negative ones in all respects, and are able to ensure that matters do not get out of hand. They allow them to develop as planned and do not interfere with karma or the dictates of the higher Forces of Light. Be assured that whatever happens in the course of your experiences is controlled to ensure that the end times work out as planned.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey
Mike's Playlist:
I'm Jamie at
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
The Pleiadian video that triggered my Kundalini Awakening.
This video forced me to question my beliefs at the deepest levels forcing me to surrender to the truth, even though I didn't know exactly what that was, it brought me to point that I let go and was shown the truth. We are One
Pleiadians - ET - Ascension - UFO - Channeling - 2012 - 1 of 16
Bringers of the Dawn - Teachings from the Pleiadians Full
originally published in 2007 by Barbara Marciniak
The book was Published September, 1992.
The Pleiadians with Barbara Marciniak
Barbara Marciniak trance channels a collective of multi-dimensional beings from the Pleiades. Includes newsletter sample, books, recordings, and schedule.
All 16 pieces spliced back together and Reblogged August 2016 Master Exploder
Jamie at
Monday, August 15, 2016
Moving Beyond Awakening Shock Syndrome with Jeff Street
Moving Beyond Awakening Shock Syndrome
One of the things that I've noticed that seems to happen to many people early in their spiritual awakening is they become hyper-aware of all the lies, manipulation, and control that's been going on in our world, and they are shocked and appalled — and rightfully so. Some people get so fixated on these unsettling revelations, so obsessively focused on them, that get themselves stuck in a state that is very counter-productive that I've dubbed "Awakening Shock Syndrome". Although awareness is good, fixation is not — here's why and how we can move beyond it.
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I'm Jamie @
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Saul - Our need to release bottled up emotions and feelings. through Joh...
Saul - Our need to release bottled up emotions and feelings. During these cathartic experiences remind yourselves frequently that you are each a perfect divine child of God.
08/14/2016 by John Smallman
Jamie at
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Mike Quinsey A Message from my Higher Self August 12, 2016
Mike Quinsey
A Message from my Higher Self
August 12, 2016
You are rapidly approaching the time of completion for the various changes that are underway. You have patiently awaited the outer signs that indicate all is beginning to manifest and speedily take you to Ascension. Matters are at a stage where re-valuation of the currency of each country is taking place. The object is to ensure that each change fairly reflects the state and potential of each one, so that you can operate in a market that represents a fair exchange. The changes will ensure that there is equality for the purposes of trading. There should be the removal of old trade barriers so that all can operate in a free market. Time will sort out the areas of exchange where adjustment is required...
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey
Mike's Playlist:
I'm Jamie at
Allow awareness of your Oneness with your Father and of His infinite Lov...
Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother
Allow awareness of your Oneness with your Father and of His infinite Love for You to suffuse You.
August 13, 2016 by John Smallman
Jesus playlist
Jamie at
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Saturday, August 13, 2016
Using the Higher Light by the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Using the Higher Light by the Arcturians
through Suzanne Lie
Reflection on a VERY eventful year. 8-12-2016
Hello everyone. I am still traveling, so I am posting a "Blast From the Past," which is almost a year ago today from 8-16-2015...
Using The Higher Light by The Arcturians
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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6 Keys to Successfully Making the Shift to the New Earth by Jeff Street
6 Keys to Successfully Making the Shift to the New Earth
by Jeff Street @
The 6 Keys to Successfully Making the Shift
The great shift in the consciousness of humanity has hit critical mass and passed the point of no return. It's been building slowly but surely, and now it's about to kick into high gear. The next decade or so will be a period of enormous change and perhaps more than a little turbulence. Think of this as the process of humanity going into labor as it begins to birth a new earth reality. In this article, I offer what I consider the six keys to smoothly and successfully making the shift to the New Earth and becoming a charter member of a wonderful new era of humanity.
As always, my articles are simply my perspective that I offer in the spirit of discovery and empowerment. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Before diving into the practical advice that I have to offer, I'll briefly explore the shift that is underway.
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Jamie @
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Saul - Forgive and love yourselves as your heavenly Father does. 8-10-20...
Saul - Forgive and love yourselves as your heavenly Father does.
Wednesday August 10th 2016 by John Smallman
Jamie at
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Wednesday, August 10, 2016
A PEEK INTO THE FIFTH DIMENSION by The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie AU...
by The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
AUGUST 10, 2016
Within this NOW you are not fully in your third/fourth dimensional body. Nor are you fully in your fifth dimensional body. This is not because you did something wrong, but because you are a prototype. A prototype is defined as: “An original or first model from which other forms are copied or developed.”
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Tuesday, August 9, 2016
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Don...
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner August 4, 2016
Greetings I am Mira. I greet you today with love and profound encouragement.
Can you feel the shift happening? Can you read the energies of the light? Are you ready for big changes? We know that you are because some of you are petitioning to our Creator for divine intervention. You are praying for the shift because you are ready for it. It is here and so are we.
We are giving you this captivating confirmation that what many of you are feeling is indeed true. We know it has been a long process. It has felt unending but this is untrue. Every day you are challenged to feel that what is going on around you is real according to what the mainstream media and the third dimensional controlling energies would like you to believe. However, you know otherwise and I am confirming your feelings.
Your future is resplendent. You have worked and worked to make it so. Now you can believe it to be so. We know you have felt the unbearable side of the polarity of the third dimension for far too long. It is ending and it is changing fast.
Now it is time for you to determine how you want your world and your new life to be. How much love, light, harmony, glory, abundance, healing and unity can you receive? Our Creator and all of us in the Galactic Alliance and Light Alliance want you to have it all. T.
All of this is possible because millions of higher consciousness beings of light, like yourselves, paved the way, did the inner work, payed, meditated and resolved to do the work you came here to do. For this you will be rewarded. I can’t say enough about how pleased we are with you and all of your accomplishments.
For now, stay centered, take excellent care of your bodies, and be positive and aware. Listen well to your intuition. Follow the instructions you receive. Enjoy the bliss and abundance that is coming your way. You will have your new earth and your new lives. You and the earth are most deserving.
In loving service, I am Mira.
Valerie Donner at
Jamie at
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The Council - Greener Grass - August 6, 2016
The Council - Greener Grass - August 6, 2016
Many of you are going through a time of great personal change, both internal and external. This is not an easy time. As you get nearer and nearer to the precipitating events that you are in anticipation of, you are feeling as if you are being forced through a tiny opening and you don’t know what is on the other side. We smile as we point out the similarity of that to what you call birth, and the analogy is indeed very apparent. In this case, you have all participated in creating what is beyond that point, and since that is the case we think you will indeed find that the grass will be greener. Some of you are being stretched and pounded almost to your breaking points. We do appreciate that. We are aware. Actually there is no way we could not be aware, but that is not the topic today. Several possibilities exist. You may be a fit for any one or more of them. You may be clearing the last of the things that you cannot bring into the new lives you are creating. You may be forging a self that is so strong that what is before you will seem like relief. It will be new, but rose gardens may remain in the future for many. And you may simply need to learn one last lesson. Most of you will be in the midst of a mixture of all of these. We can, however, offer a promise.
You are about to see some of the visible change that you have yearned for, asked for, prayed for, and worked for, for many lifetimes and much of this lifetime. All that is being shown to you every day in your media would tend to show otherwise, but realize that the aim of those media is to keep you confused and unaware. If you are one who experiences inner knowings and feelings, give greater weight to those than to anything else. You may think of those feelings and that knowing as our voice and the voice of your own higher selves. You may do so because you will be entirely correct. The more you rely upon it, the greater its strength and accuracy will become. You may even begin to discover how very much of what you ‘think’ and ‘feel’ originates from a part of yourself that you have been totally unaware of up till now. You may begin to hear us. Eventually you may even begin to see us. And many will not allow this because of what they have been taught about such things. But let us assure you that when that happens, you will not be ‘going crazy’. It will simply be due to the expansion of your awareness beyond what you have known before in this life. And how will you know?
Without exception, the higher part of yourselves, your guides, and your teachers will feel to you as if you are being enveloped in a love that surpasses any you have known. That is, if you will, our signature. We always endeavor to encode our messages with this love, and if you have followed these for long, as many of you have, you have very likely felt this before. When you feel it, you will know that we are present. Actually we are not ever absent, but you will have the best indicator that you have focused your consciousness onto our frequency. We use those words quite often – awareness, consciousness, frequency. We do that because they are the true ground of all being. They are that of which you – and we – are made. And that, dear friends, is a good indicator of where you are in your advancement. So we can promise you that you are about to see change that will show you how very worthwhile all of these last years, months, and weeks have been.
Love and blessings to each of you now. Good day.
Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
It is time for you to discard your faith, your belief in the illusion an...
Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother
It is time for you to discard your faith, your belief in the illusion and WAKE UP! August 8, 2016 by John Smallman
Jesus playlist
Jamie at
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Live Kryon Channelling "The Field Part Two" Anchorage, Alaska Sunday - ...
Live Kryon Channelling
"The Field Part Two"
Anchorage, Alaska
Sunday - Aug 7th, 2016
Kryon Channelling by
Lee Carroll
Kryon 2016 Playlist:
I'm Jamie at
on Twitter
Monday, August 8, 2016
Preparing for First Contact by the Pleiadians Chapter 21 The Rescue Augu...
Preparing for First Contact by the Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie
August 7, 2016 Chapter 21 The Rescue
As soon as I could release John to what I discovered was the immense healing ability of his children, I realized that John actually was the person whom I had come to Earth to meet. No wonder I had such a sense of urgency to come on this mission. If I had arrived just a few minutes later, I would have found John dead in the dark alley. His attack was not a random mugging. It was an assassination attempt. Since I was no longer sharing my consciousness with John, I was able to relax my concentration on keeping him alive, so that I could receive the entire situation. I knew that I had about an hour earth-time before we were discovered by the “police,” so I took some of that “earth time” to gather what I had learned so far and to begin my meeting with John, consciousness to consciousness. As I connected again with John, I could see that he was healing quickly.
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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August 7, 2016 Chapter 21 The Rescue
As soon as I could release John to what I discovered was the immense healing ability of his children, I realized that John actually was the person whom I had come to Earth to meet. No wonder I had such a sense of urgency to come on this mission. If I had arrived just a few minutes later, I would have found John dead in the dark alley. His attack was not a random mugging. It was an assassination attempt. Since I was no longer sharing my consciousness with John, I was able to relax my concentration on keeping him alive, so that I could receive the entire situation. I knew that I had about an hour earth-time before we were discovered by the “police,” so I took some of that “earth time” to gather what I had learned so far and to begin my meeting with John, consciousness to consciousness. As I connected again with John, I could see that he was healing quickly.
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Sunday, August 7, 2016
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Attributes of Ascension ~ Sh...
Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Attributes of Ascension ~ Show #41 KCOR 8-6-2016
I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST
that's 1:00pm EST
You can find Joanna L. Ross here
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Universal Unity Playlist:
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Mike Quinsey A Message from my Higher Self August 5, 2016
Mike Quinsey
A Message from my Higher Self
August 5, 2016
Yet again time is speeding up and many of you have marvelled at how quickly this year is passing. It shall continue as the vibrations rise higher and higher. Ascension draws near and when it comes you will ascend in the blink of an eye. Because the Human Race have continued to raise their vibrations, it is possible for you reach the optimum level very soon, but know that at this present time matters are in a constant state of change that makes predictions difficult. However, the final decision will be made by the God of this Universe.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey
Mike's Playlist:
I'm Jamie at
Awakening with Suzanne Lie: A Small Red Dot in a Huge Green Forrest--Suzanne L...
Awakening with Suzanne Lie: A Small Red Dot in a Huge Green Forrest--Suzanne L...: HELLO and BLESSINGS to you ALL From the REDWOOD FOREST of Northern California We are entering a very special time as we begin ...
Thursday, August 4, 2016
What Does Ascension Mean? by The Arcturians through Sue Lie August 4, 2016
What Does Ascension Mean?
by The Arcturians through Sue Lie
August 4, 2016
Seeing the Unseen Hearing the Unheard Feeling the Invisible
Ascension is not an action. Ascension is a “state of mind” and “frequency of heart.” The state of mind of ascension is the flow of balancing polarities in your thinking to find the middle road. The frequency of heart is the constant focusing, and re-focusing, of your emotions on unconditional love. Ascension is the process of returning to the YOU that you were before you began your process of being a third/fourth dimensional human. Your higher dimensional expressions are constantly with you to assist you to remember your true SELF during your present incarnation on a greatly changing Earth. Once you remember at least one of the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, you have begun your process of restoring the multidimensional consciousness that is innate to your Higher SELF. With an ongoing connection of your Higher SELF shining inter-dimensional Light and Unconditional Love into your heart and mind, your ascension process is activated while you walk the Path of a planet in huge transmutation. As you expand your consciousness beyond your third/fourth dimensional reality and into your fifth dimensional reality, you will remember how to: SEE what was once UNSEEN HEAR what was once UNHEARD and FEEL that which was once INVISIBLE.
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Relax in the Blue Ridge Mountains with us.
While staying in the Blue Ridge Mountains I had time to video some of the beauty and the sound of the water flowing through the creek. It is so relaxing here and I wanted to share with you the peaceful scenery. I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Preparing For First Contact by The Pleiadians through Sue Lee CHAPTER 20...
Preparing For First Contact by The Pleiadians through Sue Lee
August 1, 2016
Where is Sharman?
Shelia Speaks:
Hello, Shelia speaking here. I am addressing you all to inform you that we have lost all contact with Sharman. He was suddenly called back to Earth again. He told me there was an important meeting that he had to attend on Earth, and we have not heard from him since. I am usually able to at least perceive him when he goes to Earth, but something happened, and I lost all contact with him. All we know is that he had an important meeting with a human that has a great deal of influence on Earth. He told us that he had to “go in blind.” Which means that we do not see him, and he would need to check in with us. He said that he knew that this person, or persons, would not trust him if they knew that their conversation was NOT just between them. However, it has been several weeks in Earth time, and he has not reported back to us. I, his Divine Complement, am very worried as the only image I can receive from him is that he is on the ground in a dark place and is bleeding. Normally, we can track him via his “signature frequency,” but somehow his mental frequency has been shifted, and we cannot locate him. It is my impression that the physical vessel he is wearing, has somehow suffered a brain concussion...
Playlist of all chapters here:
Suzanne Lie
Jamie at
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Monday, August 1, 2016
Pleiadian Message for August 1, 2016 The PTW and the Lion’s Gate
Pleiadian Message for August 2016
The PTW and the Lion’s Gate
Greetings, star seeds, light workers, light warriors, peace makers and peace keepers. We, your Pleiadian Ascended Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones of the Pleiadian Ring of 500, hope you are enjoying the benefits of the Lion’s Gate portal opening. This showering of light codes is yours to accept and integrate into your light being, DNA and consciousness. Enjoy!
Now, for some clarification regarding those 4D beings who once controlled your planet. There is much disinformation leading you to believe that these beings are “fallen angels” from Rigel and Andromeda. They have been separated into four different categories and there is false information that some of them are capable of redeeming themselves and “moving into the light.” Do not allow yourselves to be fooled by this. All of these beings...
Pleiadian Playlist:
I'm Jamie Hendon
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© Jen Freer 2016| | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website,
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