Monday, October 31, 2016

Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ 'Ascension Energies & The Fi...

Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ 'Ascension Energies & The Field' ~ Show #52 KCOR October 29, 2016 2016

I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST

that's 1:00pm EST

Joanna L. Ross from Universal Unity​ and I have some amazing BIG news and I wanted to share it with you first! ~ Universal Energy Initiations & Healing Sessions

We are heading to SEDONA!

11/11 GATEWAY First Contact Symposium ~ SEDONA

The 11/11 gateway we will be in Sedona, Arizona for a special 2 event Universal Gathering. The first USA 'First Contact Symposium' and how fitting we kick it all off in Sedona.

November 11th ~ Friday evening, we will do a meditation & discussion aligning us for November 12th, Saturday as we hop on board for a 4.5 hour discussion, channel, and gathering of like-souled family members as we dive into; lightship experiences, preparing for future conscious contact, enhancing communication with spirit and our teams, ascension for humanity and Gaia, and we will even have our usual 'after event lightship gazing in the desert'

This proves to be a 'can't miss' event as we have tried a venture there before and timing was not right, but this event literally took a day to book & get confirmation, so the Universe is truly aligned for us on this one. I sensed a huge jubilation from my team, so we are so excited to bring our passion, energy, and wisdom for a personal healing, personal engagement and entanglement for a Sedona Special 'First Contact' Event.

Be sure to get your tickets soon, as there is a limited number available. This event will be held in the highly sought after, and well known 'Sedona Creative Life Center' and has been such a pleasure dealing with them. Our event and information will also be advertised through their center to all of their clients and visitors, and it will be up on the 'calendar of events' so be sure to get your seat while it lasts. This will be the first event of this kind as we combine spirit, ET's and Celestial family energy, ascension, Arch Angel energy in one event.

Sedona Creative Life Centre * There is ample information on the Sedona Creative Life Centre website for travel, shuttle, and more information, as they really make these events much easier to put on. Book your travel arrangements early to avoid disappointment as this fall of 2016 proves to be one that shifts humanity in a whole new way, and we will be immersing ourselves in it during the 11/11 gateway. I will also have my two books available and even do a few minutes of book signing.


Here is our link to have a look at the fun!

We have options for purchase; Friday, Saturday, or both days as a package rate.

I am feeling so blessed, grateful, and truly aligned with my highest and best, as this event seemed so fluid and fun to put together. I know that there are a myriad of beings on every level helping us make this happen ~ I am truly grateful to share and inspire in this energy for a heightened and expanded human experience upon our shifting Gaia.

You can find Joanna L. Ross here

on Twitter

Universal Unity Playlist:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Tipping Point – The Council through Ron Head October 28, 2016

Tipping Point – The Council through Ron Head October 28, 2016

The Council Playlist:

We know that most of you feel somewhat lost, at sea, and bewildered by what you see going on around you right now. The process of dismantling all that needs to be replaced has indeed begun. The thought that this is what is happening does cross your minds from time to time, but that does not make it much easier to deal with. And telling you that we forewarned you would not serve either.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Choice - Peace is Possible

In every lifetime, there comes a point when you realise there's got to be more... PEACE IS POSSIBLE

Greg Hopkinson and Sally Lewis, two Ishaya monks from New Zealand, were inspired to make this film to show that anyone can move towards a greater experience of life.  

Choice plants the seed of possibility that humanity could live in peace. A shift in consciousness is required; a shift that starts with each of us choosing for our own inner peace and happiness. © Mountford Media 2016

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

MARY MAGDALENE Advice on Sacred Relationship October 28, 2016

MARY MAGDALENE Advice on Sacred Relationship

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

In a Group Channeling Occasion October 28, 2016

©2016 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Mike Quinsey Message from my Higher Self, October 28, 2016

Mike Quinsey - Message from my Higher Self, October 28, 2016

The changes are progressing well and as they take hold so the power of the dark Forces is diminishing, so much so that they are becoming confused and unable to control events as before. In any event they are only allowed a certain degree of freedom to carry on with their plan for world control. They will not succeed as the end times have already been written and victory for the Light is inevitable and assured. The period that you are now in is full of potential changes, all leading to the uplifting of Humanity and their place in the New Age. The scene has been set and it is only a matter of time before those who are responsible for giving out the news, will feel compelled to commence giving you truthful reports. The truth cannot be held back much longer and as those who stand in the way are removed, the days of truthful reporting loom large.

Mike's Playlist:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Releasing Illusion to BE an “Emissary of Light” The Arcturians through S...

Releasing Illusion to BE an “Emissary of Light” The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie 10 28 2016

Preparing for First Contact through Suzanne Lie

Playlist of all chapters here:

Blessings, We are the Arcturians,

Being an emissary of light means that you share the light. However, you can’t share what you don’t have. Hence, you need to have the light in order to share the light.

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Energy Update – Rebirth of The New Grid Has Just Occurred!

Energy Update – Rebirth of The New Grid Has Just Occurred!

in5d by Anastacia October 30, 2016

As we have anchored in a ‘corner piece’ into the New Grid for Humanity, something very very big and new has transpired (refer previous BB post/s in this series).

A very New and different REBIRTH in/of the New Grid!

Many will be feeling this in Spirit and yet to integrate and feel this in the Human, yet it is being done and felt right now in me sharing this with you while I am still adjusting and blending the two together – (Due to having two souls, the human and Spirit and linking the two as a trailblazer, through our emotions).

Much Love and Divine Blessings


Ascension Guide/Teacher

Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master


Anastacia takes on clients for 1:1 sessions. To book in, please contact at: or for further information please read the pinned post on the Blue Beyond.

*See recent post and offer of a 1:1 Divine Healing from the 24-10 – 7/11…as this will be of the NEW GRID energy that is coming through for humanity of the Divine from my Soul and Spirit*

Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge in linking our Soul to our Spirit of 6D and 8D -through our Emotions of the Divine – sharing from experiencing energies herself and feeling the energies through her two souls (human and spirit) as they come to our planet. From 20years of personal experience in linking her soul to her spirit, through her emotions this lifetime and past lives – back to Source through the ‘abyss’ – in service to Humanity and Gaia Guiding/Teaching Humanity. From the Ancient Ones, Shaman, Blue Ray Elder, Pleadean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Arcturian, Lyran.

Please feel free to share this post and others in their entirety

All Rights Reserved – 2016 Anastacia Kompos

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Humanity is ready for change! October 30, 2016 by John Smallman

Jesus through John

Guidance from an elder brother

Humanity is ready for change!

October 30, 2016 by John Smallman

Humanity’s awakening process is further intensifying, as you may well have noticed.  The need to awaken is emerging into the collective human awareness as the pain and suffering of the illusion, the dream or nightmare in which it seems you presently have your existence, becomes increasingly unacceptable.  Violent and frequent conflicts and disagreements at every level of society in every nation and culture are leading to exhaustion and a deep seated desire for peace.  Those who have been in control for so long are in disarray as the power they thought they had and owned dissolves leaving them confused and terrified.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus playlist

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

METASOULS - Who is the True You?

METASOULS Who is the True You

Intro to soul science & the metaphysics of quantum consciousness

by Tash

We are all Metasouls. Transcendental integration with soul consciousness is your spiritual birthright. Awaken the true you, live unconditionally free in your authenticity and watch the unresisted Universe unfold through you.








I'm Jamie @



We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Message for the 1st Wave Ascension Crew Leaving the Matrix

Message for the 1st Wave Ascension Crew: Leaving the Matrix

october 29, 2016 by

As the old Matrix slowly devolves and unravels, we find ourselves at a pivotal point. Most people are distracted by the media spectacle of the presidential elections: truly a machiavellian choice between two evils, as politics and power have been since the Controllers set up shop on Earth. The situation is what is called a “bread and circus:”

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

CHANNELED MESSAGE from 'RA' How to be in Two Realities at Once October 2...

CHANNELED MESSAGE from 'RA' - How to be in Two Realities at Once through Isaac from Starseed Communications


"Isaac offers channeled messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, as well as Chakra readings, Tarot Readings and Astrology Readings. He is working to help prepare the planet for first contact with Extra-Terrestrials and wishes to help uplift the overall consciousness of humanity. Starseed and Truth-seekers alike, we all have a roll to play.

You can find more Channeled messages on his YouTube Channel - Starseed Communications:

He also has a second YouTube with videos on basic metaphysics and General Self-Help at:

Visit his website for info on Readings at

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Sex & The Energetics with Chloe Hudson from World Peace Projects

Sex & The Energetics  with Chloe Hudson from World Peace Projects

World Peace Projects is a template of an ever evolving platform that is consistently and unconditionally supported and run by an infinite amount of heavenly and galactic hosts. We have one aligned goal to awaken the masses and usher in and flourish the New World. This is our unified mission. Welcome Home!

For a personal healing or channeling please contact me at:


Subscribe to Chloe's channel World Peace Projects

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Universal Child Season 1 Episode 24 Hosted by Joanna L Ross KCOR Digita...

Universal Child Hosted by Joanna L Ross KCOR Digital Radio Network Season 1 Episode 24

I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST

that's 1:00pm EST

Joanna L. Ross from Universal Unity​ and I have some amazing BIG news and I wanted to share it with you first! ~ Universal Energy Initiations & Healing Sessions

We are heading to SEDONA!

11/11 GATEWAY First Contact Symposium ~ SEDONA

The 11/11 gateway we will be in Sedona, Arizona for a special 2 event Universal Gathering. The first USA 'First Contact Symposium' and how fitting we kick it all off in Sedona.

November 11th ~ Friday evening, we will do a meditation & discussion aligning us for November 12th, Saturday as we hop on board for a 4.5 hour discussion, channel, and gathering of like-souled family members as we dive into; lightship experiences, preparing for future conscious contact, enhancing communication with spirit and our teams, ascension for humanity and Gaia, and we will even have our usual 'after event lightship gazing in the desert'

This proves to be a 'can't miss' event as we have tried a venture there before and timing was not right, but this event literally took a day to book & get confirmation, so the Universe is truly aligned for us on this one. I sensed a huge jubilation from my team, so we are so excited to bring our passion, energy, and wisdom for a personal healing, personal engagement and entanglement for a Sedona Special 'First Contact' Event.

Be sure to get your tickets soon, as there is a limited number available. This event will be held in the highly sought after, and well known 'Sedona Creative Life Center' and has been such a pleasure dealing with them. Our event and information will also be advertised through their center to all of their clients and visitors, and it will be up on the 'calendar of events' so be sure to get your seat while it lasts. This will be the first event of this kind as we combine spirit, ET's and Celestial family energy, ascension, Arch Angel energy in one event.

Sedona Creative Life Centre * There is ample information on the Sedona Creative Life Centre website for travel, shuttle, and more information, as they really make these events much easier to put on. Book your travel arrangements early to avoid disappointment as this fall of 2016 proves to be one that shifts humanity in a whole new way, and we will be immersing ourselves in it during the 11/11 gateway. I will also have my two books available and even do a few minutes of book signing.


Here is our link to have a look at the fun!

We have options for purchase; Friday, Saturday, or both days as a package rate.

I am feeling so blessed, grateful, and truly aligned with my highest and best, as this event seemed so fluid and fun to put together. I know that there are a myriad of beings on every level helping us make this happen ~ I am truly grateful to share and inspire in this energy for a heightened and expanded human experience upon our shifting Gaia.

You can find Joanna L. Ross here

on Twitter

Universal Unity Playlist:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Friday, October 28, 2016

KRYON IN NEW ZEALAND - Part 2 "2-6" October 21, 2016

 KRYON IN NEW ZEALAND - Part 2 "2-6" October 21, 2016



Channelling Lee Carroll

Playlist of all 16 CHANNELS :

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Tsolians Matter Antimatter as conveyed through Méline portia Lafont

Tsolians Matter Antimatter as conveyed through Méline portia Lafont Awaken Spirit from Within

Voice: Méline Portia Lafont

Background music by Orin Da Ben ~ Thaddues: Surrendering

Video created by Karl Morfett

Book your session with Méline at:

Méline Lafont 2012 – 2016, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered

Original post:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Malakai of the Pleiadian Collective and a Brief message from 'RA' by Isa...

CHANNELED MESSAGE from Malakai of the Pleiadian Collective and a Brief message from 'RA'

through Isaac Website:

Check Out Isaac's YouTube Channel: Staseed Communications

 I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mary Of Magdala Sex and Victim Aggressor Topics through Chloe Hudson

Mary Of Magdala Sex and Victim Aggressor Topics through Chloe Hudson

World Peace Projects is a template of an ever evolving platform that is consistently and unconditionally supported and run by an infinite amount of heavenly and galactic hosts. We have one aligned goal to awaken the masses and usher in and flourish the New World. This is our unified mission. Welcome Home!

For a personal healing or channeling please contact me at:


Subscribe to Chloe's channel World Peace Projects

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Aythar Extraterra phoenix 432Hz DNA HealingChakra Cleansing Meditation

Aythar ~ Extraterra phoenix - 432Hz DNA Healing/Chakra Cleansing Meditation

Check out the YouTube Channel

AYTHAR atmospheric sounds & ambient-space music


"While creating my music I try to act as a cosmic channel the energy flows through me and manifests itself in my creations.

I believe that my cosmic sounds carry the resonance of the Universe and the whispering of the distant stars." ~ Aythar

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Phil Good - You are MultiDimensional

Phil Good - You are MultiDimensional

Check out Phil's YouTube Channel

For an Energy Reading, 🗝 visit


I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Improving Your Connection To The Divine by Jeff Street

Improving Your Connection To The Divine by Jeff Street

Recently a reader of the blog asked me to talk more about how to strengthen one's connection to the Divine — one's higher self, spirit guides, and spiritual family.  Although I don't claim to have all the answers I decided to share my thoughts on this subject because it's such an important one — connecting to our higher guidance can dramatically help us on our journeys. And with the ever increasing numbers of souls starting to awaken is seemed like this might be very useful.

You Are Always Connected But…

Jeff's Website:



Jeff's Playlist:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Universal Child Hosted by Joanna L Ross KCOR Digital Radio Network Seaso...

Universal Child Hosted by Joanna L Ross KCOR Digital Radio Network Season 1 Episode 23

I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST

that's 1:00pm EST

Joanna L. Ross from Universal Unity​ and I have some amazing BIG news and I wanted to share it with you first! ~ Universal Energy Initiations & Healing Sessions

We are heading to SEDONA!

11/11 GATEWAY First Contact Symposium ~ SEDONA

The 11/11 gateway we will be in Sedona, Arizona for a special 2 event Universal Gathering. The first USA 'First Contact Symposium' and how fitting we kick it all off in Sedona.

November 11th ~ Friday evening, we will do a meditation & discussion aligning us for November 12th, Saturday as we hop on board for a 4.5 hour discussion, channel, and gathering of like-souled family members as we dive into; lightship experiences, preparing for future conscious contact, enhancing communication with spirit and our teams, ascension for humanity and Gaia, and we will even have our usual 'after event lightship gazing in the desert'

This proves to be a 'can't miss' event as we have tried a venture there before and timing was not right, but this event literally took a day to book & get confirmation, so the Universe is truly aligned for us on this one. I sensed a huge jubilation from my team, so we are so excited to bring our passion, energy, and wisdom for a personal healing, personal engagement and entanglement for a Sedona Special 'First Contact' Event.

Be sure to get your tickets soon, as there is a limited number available. This event will be held in the highly sought after, and well known 'Sedona Creative Life Center' and has been such a pleasure dealing with them. Our event and information will also be advertised through their center to all of their clients and visitors, and it will be up on the 'calendar of events' so be sure to get your seat while it lasts. This will be the first event of this kind as we combine spirit, ET's and Celestial family energy, ascension, Arch Angel energy in one event.

Sedona Creative Life Centre * There is ample information on the Sedona Creative Life Centre website for travel, shuttle, and more information, as they really make these events much easier to put on. Book your travel arrangements early to avoid disappointment as this fall of 2016 proves to be one that shifts humanity in a whole new way, and we will be immersing ourselves in it during the 11/11 gateway. I will also have my two books available and even do a few minutes of book signing.


Here is our link to have a look at the fun!

We have options for purchase; Friday, Saturday, or both days as a package rate.

I am feeling so blessed, grateful, and truly aligned with my highest and best, as this event seemed so fluid and fun to put together. I know that there are a myriad of beings on every level helping us make this happen ~ I am truly grateful to share and inspire in this energy for a heightened and expanded human experience upon our shifting Gaia.

You can find Joanna L. Ross here

on Twitter

Universal Unity Playlist:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

KRYON IN NEW ZEALAND - Part 2 1 of 8 October 21, 2016

KRYON IN NEW ZEALAND - Part 2 1 of 8 October 21, 2016



Channelling Lee Carroll

Playlist of all 16 CHANNELS :

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Lady Nada What Would Love Do ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda October 20, 2016

Lady Nada What Would Love Do ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda October 20, 2016

Greetings, Beloveds. I AM Lady Nada and I come forth into your consciousness, illuminating your Pure Love Essence that is at your core. I reflect and illuminate this immense potential you have to allow Divine Love to be at the core of everything you do, say and think.

Received October 17, 2016. Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Dreamer of the Dream 2 Heavenletter Published on October 23, 2016

Dreamer of the Dream 2 Heavenletter Published on October 23, 2016

"I am Light. I AM Light! I am Light in a New Dimension."

And all sing: "Hallelujah."

And so you open the blinds of the world.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

The Collective - Message to Lightworkers by Caroline Oceana Ryan October...

Message to Lightworkers by Caroline Oceana Ryan October 21, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective: Greetings, friends and fellow Light Beings!

We are very pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.

Our writer has asked that we address several issues that have arisen in response to a number of our posts concerning current political events, and the impending changes to be brought about by NESARA law. Namaste! We, your fellow travelers in this realm, are with you, always.

Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you.

The Collective Playlist:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

The Arcturian Group by Marilyn Raffaele October 23, 2016

The Arcturian Group by Marilyn Raffaele October 23, 2016

Dear ones, we see many still experiencing confusion with regard to world conditions.  Know that what you are witnessing in these turbulent times is the emerging of old energies long suppressed and hidden in need of exposure in order to be observed, evaluated, and changed.

Never fear to look right at any appearance, not hiding from it or pretending not to notice but instead realizing it to be the material sense of a spiritual universe--pictures formed of the beliefs of duality and separation,  impersonal, and without spiritual law  hold them in place.

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

The Death Of Illusion a Message from Archangel Zadkiel through Suzanne L...

The Death Of Illusion a Message from Archangel Zadkiel through Suzanne Lie October 23, 2016

Playlist of all chapters here:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

MARY MAGDALENE Healing the Wounded Masculine October 21, 2016

MARY MAGDALENE: Healing the Wounded Masculine

October 21, 2016

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

In a Group Channeling Occasion

Question: I encounter beautiful souls in the Masculine body who have been hurt by the Feminine that has become very Masculine. How do we love and honor these men, to help heal and be ambassadors of your light, your love, and your mission?

Mary Magdalene: Thank you so much for your question. I am so happy to respond to this.

It is by loving them.

First and foremost, see them in the beauty of their Masculine. See their Masculine as beautiful. There are many men who have been greatly hurt and are very confused how to be a man, how to bring forth the Masculine, because so many women have expressed that the Masculine has hurt them.

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Creator Writings - Feeling Small? transcribed by Jennifer Farley

The Creator Writings - Feeling Small?

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

OCTOBER 22, 2016

There may be days when you may feel small and insignificant.  There may be times when you feel as if you what you say/do does not matter and you may wonder why you chose to exist on your Earth plane at all.  The Universe would like you to know that even when you are feeling your smallest, you do matter!

Today, you are invited to take a moment and think back on your experiences.  Remember the times when even the most minuscule thing you did felt as if it carried the weight of a thousand kind acts.  Remember when you moved through your day with a theme song playing in the background, even if you were the only one who could hear it.  The grand flash, bang may not happen every time, but what you do,say, how you act does matter!  You are where you are for a reason and it is time to embrace it! ~ Creator

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Friday, October 21, 2016

Clearing F.E.A.R. Implants. Activating New Chakras.

Clearing F.E.A.R. Implants. Activating New Chakras.

Chloe offers an in depth healing for F.E.A.R. implants. This is a thorough healing so please take time to tune in and receive the healing for maximum benefit. Enjoy!

World Peace Projects is a template of an ever evolving platform that is consistently and unconditionally supported and run by an infinite amount of heavenly and galactic hosts. We have one aligned goal to awaken the masses and usher in and flourish the New World. This is our unified mission. Welcome Home!

For a personal healing or channeling please contact me at:


Subscribe to Chloe's channel World Peace Projects

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)



by Joanna L. Ross

Joanna L. Ross from Universal Unity​ and I have some amazing BIG news and I wanted to share it with you first!

We are heading to SEDONA!

11/11 GATEWAY First Contact Symposium ~ SEDONA

The 11/11 gateway we will be in Sedona, Arizona for a special 2 event Universal Gathering. The first USA 'First Contact Symposium' and how fitting we kick it all off in Sedona.

November 11th ~ Friday evening, we will do a meditation & discussion aligning us for November 12th, Saturday as we hop on board for a 4.5 hour discussion, channel, and gathering of like-souled family members as we dive into; lightship experiences, preparing for future conscious contact, enhancing communication with spirit and our teams, ascension for humanity and Gaia, and we will even have our usual 'after event lightship gazing in the desert'

This proves to be a 'can't miss' event as we have tried a venture there before and timing was not right, but this event literally took a day to book & get confirmation, so the Universe is truly aligned for us on this one. I sensed a huge jubilation from my team, so we are so excited to bring our passion, energy, and wisdom for a personal healing, personal engagement and entanglement for a Sedona Special 'First Contact' Event.

Be sure to get your tickets soon, as there is a limited number available. This event will be held in the highly sought after, and well known 'Sedona Creative Life Center' and has been such a pleasure dealing with them. Our event and information will also be advertised through their center to all of their clients and visitors, and it will be up on the 'calendar of events' so be sure to get your seat while it lasts. This will be the first event of this kind as we combine spirit, ET's and Celestial family energy, ascension, Arch Angel energy in one event.

Sedona Creative Life Centre * There is ample information on the Sedona Creative Life Centre website for travel, shuttle, and more information, as they really make these events much easier to put on. Book your travel arrangements early to avoid disappointment as this fall of 2016 proves to be one that shifts humanity in a whole new way, and we will be immersing ourselves in it during the 11/11 gateway. I will also have my two books available and even do a few minutes of book signing.


Here is our link to have a look at the fun!

We have options for purchase; Friday, Saturday, or both days as a package rate.

I am feeling so blessed, grateful, and truly aligned with my highest and best, as this event seemed so fluid and fun to put together. I know that there are a myriad of beings on every level helping us make this happen ~ I am truly grateful to share and inspire in this energy for a heightened and expanded human experience upon our shifting Gaia.

You can find Joanna L. Ross here

on Twitter

Universal Unity Playlist: ~ Universal Energy Initiations & Healing Sessions

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ask The Creator Writings by Jennifer Farley OCTOBER 19, 2016

The Creator Writings

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

OCTOBER 19, 2016


It is imperative for you to remember that the road you walk may be challenging at times.  The growth process can be that way sometimes.  What I am asking of you is to not give up!  Instead, take a step back and look at what you need to change within?  Take a look at the people who are surrounding you.  Do you feel they understand you or are they attempting to keep you tied to your/their old ways? Look at those coming to you for aid.  Are they really in need of help and willing to do the work or are they just practicing? It may be challenging for you to see the difference if you have chosen to ignore your inner work.  When in doubt; take a step back, breathe deeply and ask for guidance.  I am always there for you! ~ Creator

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

The Collective, A Brief Message to Lightworkers October 19, 2016 by Caro...

The Collective, A Brief Message to Lightworkers October 19, 2016

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

This Article:

The Collective Playlist:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

***BREAKING STORY*** Monumental New Republic Intel - Republic Update - O...


Monumental New Republic Intel - Republic Update - October 19, 2016

Is there anyone that can confirm if this is true?

What do you think? If this is true, it would be the best possible scenario for our country and the world from my perspective. I hope you enjoy this regardless. It's Crazy Juicy!!!


"Monumental" - New Republic Intel - Republic Update  - October 19, 2016

Received via email at 3:34 PM EDT for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

What a proud, proud day to be American as our Republic has been fully restored and shall now be revealed to the world as whole and functioning without a coups d'etat shot fired on our shore.

On Tuesday, current Speaker of the House Paul Ryan Wisconsin was sworn in as the 45th President of the Republic. You heard that right. Paul Ryan is the new American president and Commander-in-Chief.

This event was a red carpet event done on a Native American Sovereign Reservation for security and legal purposes because Washington D.C., does not require its citizens to follow the Constitution per very old and secrete Vatican / Jesuit mandate.

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

The Council - Break The Chain through Ron Head October 19, 2016

The Council - Break The Chain October 19, 2016

Ron Head

The Council Playlist:

Once again we return to an important topic in order to approach it from a perhaps unthought of perspective. Please understand that one of the reasons we do this is that as we address each of these topics over and over, you, having grown on your understanding, will bring more to the topic and therefor take more away.

And we would add one more idea to this today. Instead of thinking “What can I do?”, think “What must I be? How do I wish to respond to this from now on?”

Your journey on this path will lead you to realize what your true nature is. And that is what you have come to do, for yourself and for all those around you.

Good day.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

The latest Ascension Note "Consciousness and Shifting" by Kara Schallock...

Consciousness and Shifting by Kara Schallock

at October 18, 2016

Yesterday I wrote about competition on my Facebook page, Ascension: The New. Here is what I wrote: “Competition is of the old matrix. There is no "us and them." Politics, governments, sports, business and just about every aspect of culture is based on competition..."us and them." To be New, one must let go of all competition; all aspects of "us and them." The latest example of this is the furor over "immigrants." Aren't we all immigrants? It's based on "us; not them." Even the spiritual community seems to be based in competition. I'm sure if you dig deep you will find many beliefs based on this belief of separation. There is no teacher/student; the minute one sets themselves up as guru or teacher they are saying, "I am different than you. I have what you want. Follow Me." Please do let it all go and realize that in the Higher Truth there is no competition, no separation, no us and them; we are One. Period.”

Ascension Notes Playlist:

Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene – On the Divine Alchemy of Your B...

Message from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene – On the Divine Alchemy of Your Blessed Divine Selves ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 13, 2016

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene:

Greetings Beloveds,

We are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. We come to you today in blessed Peace and Love. In the Divine Alchemy that is taking place, of your blessed Divine Self integrating with your blessed physical vehicle, it is apparent that what you once thought you were, is going by the wayside. New insights and awareness are entering your consciousness every day, and every moment. As you embrace this new consciousness that is slowly and permanently replacing the reality you once knew, you are compelled to restructure your reality piece-by-piece.

We offer you our love and our support in this. You are not alone.

All our Love,

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene


I invite you to visit my website at

NOW ON SPECIAL! My Healing To Wholeness Sessions and Enhanced Energy Healing Sessions Here


Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Communication – The Council October 13, 2016 by Ron Head

Communication – The Council October 13, 2016

by Ron Head

The Council Playlist:

The topic we wish to discuss with you today is communication. But this is not a message about some general communication that is for some generic audience. This is about you, the reader of this text, and our communication with you.

Many of you will think, when you read this, that The Council does not speak to you. You will think that The Council is a body that communicates through and to a limited number of you on the planet. And yet, we have taken pains in the past to explain that we are a body that is made up of guides, teachers, masters, and lightbeings that is working through each and all of you to bring your world into the awareness of the greater consciousness that you are.

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

The Collective - Message to Lightworkers by Caroline Oceana Ryan October...

The Collective, Message to Lightworkers October 13, 2016

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic's, Elementals, Ascended Masters, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends and fellow Light Beings!

We are very pleased to have this chance to speak with you today.

This Article

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Monday, October 17, 2016

Innate Activation~5th Dimensional Meditation by Joanna L Ross

Innate Activation~5th Dimensional Meditation by Joanna L  Ross

Joanna L. Ross from Universal Unity​ and I have some amazing BIG news and I wanted to share it with you first!

We are heading to SEDONA!

11/11 GATEWAY First Contact Symposium ~ SEDONA

The 11/11 gateway we will be in Sedona, Arizona for a special 2 event Universal Gathering. The first USA 'First Contact Symposium' and how fitting we kick it all off in Sedona.

November 11th ~ Friday evening, we will do a meditation & discussion aligning us for November 12th, Saturday as we hop on board for a 4.5 hour discussion, channel, and gathering of like-souled family members as we dive into; lightship experiences, preparing for future conscious contact, enhancing communication with spirit and our teams, ascension for humanity and Gaia, and we will even have our usual 'after event lightship gazing in the desert'

This proves to be a 'can't miss' event as we have tried a venture there before and timing was not right, but this event literally took a day to book & get confirmation, so the Universe is truly aligned for us on this one. I sensed a huge jubilation from my team, so we are so excited to bring our passion, energy, and wisdom for a personal healing, personal engagement and entanglement for a Sedona Special 'First Contact' Event.

Be sure to get your tickets soon, as there is a limited number available. This event will be held in the highly sought after, and well known 'Sedona Creative Life Center' and has been such a pleasure dealing with them. Our event and information will also be advertised through their center to all of their clients and visitors, and it will be up on the 'calendar of events' so be sure to get your seat while it lasts. This will be the first event of this kind as we combine spirit, ET's and Celestial family energy, ascension, Arch Angel energy in one event.

Sedona Creative Life Centre * There is ample information on the Sedona Creative Life Centre website for travel, shuttle, and more information, as they really make these events much easier to put on. Book your travel arrangements early to avoid disappointment as this fall of 2016 proves to be one that shifts humanity in a whole new way, and we will be immersing ourselves in it during the 11/11 gateway. I will also have my two books available and even do a few minutes of book signing.


Here is our link to have a look at the fun!

We have options for purchase; Friday, Saturday, or both days as a package rate.

I am feeling so blessed, grateful, and truly aligned with my highest and best, as this event seemed so fluid and fun to put together. I know that there are a myriad of beings on every level helping us make this happen ~ I am truly grateful to share and inspire in this energy for a heightened and expanded human experience upon our shifting Gaia.

You can find Joanna L. Ross here

on Twitter

Universal Unity Playlist: ~ Universal Energy Initiations & Healing Sessions

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

MARY MAGDALENE The End of the Third Dimension October 14, 2016

MARY MAGDALENE: The End of the Third Dimension

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

In a Group Channeling Occasion

October 14, 2016

Question: In this time of turmoil and negative energy, fighting, killing, and what have you in the world, many times people feel anger or hate even, as a response to what’s going on. When you are affected directly or indirectly, that brings all kinds of emotions. What does Mary have to say about that and how can we deal with that?

Mary Magdalene: Thank you for this question because it is a very important one.

These events that are happening can be seen in many different ways. In one way, they are like a cleansing or a purification to bring out things, so that humans have an opportunity to make a different response. These things have always been going on, or for such a very long time that it may seem like always in your world. It is not new that these things are happening. It is new that they are being reported on a global level and you are hearing about things that you might not have heard about in the past. Because of technology and technological abilities that are available now, they are at times happening on a larger scale, and at times also happening across global borders. So this seems to be affecting you in a new way.

©2016 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Mike Quinsey Message, Light continues to grow upon Earth. October 14, 2016

Mike Quinsey Message, As the Light continues to grow upon Earth the “darkness” will gradually disappear. October 14, 2016

The Presidential Election is the main focal point for millions of Americans, but there is a strong possibility that they may not go ahead after all. The reason appears to be because one candidate looks like pulling out. It could be the most helpful happening in view of the imminent beginning of global currency revaluation, that can be focused upon without distraction It may in fact have already commenced, and it is certainly very near to taking place at the first opportunity to do so. It is rumoured that it has already started and certainly a slow start is anticipated due to the size of the task. A certain degree of urgency naturally now exists to get the whole scheme underway, which will delight so many people who have eagerly awaited it.

Mike's Playlist:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Conversation with the Golden Ones Through Suzanne Lie October 16, 2016

Conversation with the Golden Ones   Through Suzanne Lie October 16, 2016

There are many things that I have been hearing and seeing that are higher dimensional. For one thing I might hear a conversation in my head that I should talk to others about my inter-dimensional experiences.

These inter-dimensional voices are saying to each other that one of main things that we have in common is that no one has the answers about this NOW of planetary ascension because we, the earthlings, have never done it before.

Playlist of all chapters here:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)




This last couple of weeks have involved MAJOR PLANETARY SHIFTS through work I have been involved in or privy to. I have received the green light to disperse this information and recommend we all celebrate in such a momentous event.

Firstly, as of Monday the veil has “officially” come down and people will begin to see the truth of who they really are. Don’t be surprised if you begin to see through archeological finds in a new way and exposure of political events.

Secondly, as of Thursday, TIME has been successfully unraveled and disentangled from the Point of Creation. Begin to notice how we are now fully stepping out of time ALTOGETHER.

As of Friday afternoon as well as Saturday morning some of you may have heard a loud sonic boom in the area of San Diego, California. My husband Steve came into my office notifying me of some sort of “explosion” having occurred. This is because TEN Stellar Galactic Ships came in through our sector to retrieve any remaining cabal members on Planet Earth. There was a final violation of all terms and agreements by Cabal Members made to stay on Planet Earth which initiated this response by Ashtar’s Allied Forces. It has been confirmed that air raid sirens went off in San Diego as well.

Nuclear missiles were activated in Montana by The Cabal in response to this event but were immediately shut down.

Also, there are confirmed reports that US bankers run by The Cabal have been closed down in foreign countries and are no longer willing to receive large bills of US currency. They will take them but do not want them.

Lastly, I would like to share some helpful information with you that has been passed down to me. IF you are waking up sore, especially in the hips and back area, COMMAND that you no longer need to go into the underworld to seek out or retrieve lost parts of yourself. Prime Creator has taken care of this for you and has all of your crystalline parts that have been stolen from you or hidden away in unknown places. Call forth 2 Guardians of 100% of Sacred Light once you fall asleep to prevent you from going into places where you will only be “beaten up” and where it is not for your Higher and Best Good. This is no longer needed.

I sincerely wish all of you a fabulous Sunday afternoon. This is truly an epoch weekend and all of us will look back at this momentous break through with nostalgic appreciation.


Most of this information comes from a trusted anonymous Source.

I love you all-


I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

An Inter dimensional Message from Archangel Zadkiel through Suzanne Lie...

An Inter dimensional Message from Archangel Zadkiel  through Suzanne Lie 10-12-16

Blessings, I am Zadkiel, here to communicate with you. We wish to tell you that there is what may be “membrane” that encompasses every reality. Yes, there are many realities that are birthing within this NOW of your planetary transition from the third/fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension.

Playlist of all chapters here:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Creating the New Earth ~ Lady Nada October 14, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz

Creating the New Earth ~ Lady Nada October 14, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz

Greetings, I am honored to be able to reach so many in this way. We come with the message that you are in a very important time. It is a time that will require much focus and dedication on your part. You are in the time of creation. You are in fact creating the new earth in every moment, in every thought, with every action. It is with this knowledge that we ask you – What are you creating?

The new earth is here now, it is completely accessible to all who choose to maintain a higher vibratory frequency. There are many who believe that in one singular moment you will find yourself transported to a new location, one without negativity and darkness. Is this possible? Absolutely, but you see the new earth is being created by you. So again we ask: What are you creating?

To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

All your fears and anxieties are baseless October 14, 2016 by John Smallman

Jesus through John

Guidance from an elder brother

All your fears and anxieties are baseless  October 14, 2016 by John Smallman

Jesus playlist

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Mastery in Choice ~ Show #50...

Universal Unity - New Earth Consciousness ~ Mastery in Choice ~ Show #50 KCOR October 15, 2016 2016

I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST

that's 1:00pm EST

Joanna L. Ross from Universal Unity​ and I have some amazing BIG news and I wanted to share it with you first! ~ Universal Energy Initiations & Healing Sessions

We are heading to SEDONA!

11/11 GATEWAY First Contact Symposium ~ SEDONA

The 11/11 gateway we will be in Sedona, Arizona for a special 2 event Universal Gathering. The first USA 'First Contact Symposium' and how fitting we kick it all off in Sedona.

November 11th ~ Friday evening, we will do a meditation & discussion aligning us for November 12th, Saturday as we hop on board for a 4.5 hour discussion, channel, and gathering of like-souled family members as we dive into; lightship experiences, preparing for future conscious contact, enhancing communication with spirit and our teams, ascension for humanity and Gaia, and we will even have our usual 'after event lightship gazing in the desert'

This proves to be a 'can't miss' event as we have tried a venture there before and timing was not right, but this event literally took a day to book & get confirmation, so the Universe is truly aligned for us on this one. I sensed a huge jubilation from my team, so we are so excited to bring our passion, energy, and wisdom for a personal healing, personal engagement and entanglement for a Sedona Special 'First Contact' Event.

Be sure to get your tickets soon, as there is a limited number available. This event will be held in the highly sought after, and well known 'Sedona Creative Life Center' and has been such a pleasure dealing with them. Our event and information will also be advertised through their center to all of their clients and visitors, and it will be up on the 'calendar of events' so be sure to get your seat while it lasts. This will be the first event of this kind as we combine spirit, ET's and Celestial family energy, ascension, Arch Angel energy in one event.

Sedona Creative Life Centre * There is ample information on the Sedona Creative Life Centre website for travel, shuttle, and more information, as they really make these events much easier to put on. Book your travel arrangements early to avoid disappointment as this fall of 2016 proves to be one that shifts humanity in a whole new way, and we will be immersing ourselves in it during the 11/11 gateway. I will also have my two books available and even do a few minutes of book signing.


Here is our link to have a look at the fun!

We have options for purchase; Friday, Saturday, or both days as a package rate.

I am feeling so blessed, grateful, and truly aligned with my highest and best, as this event seemed so fluid and fun to put together. I know that there are a myriad of beings on every level helping us make this happen ~ I am truly grateful to share and inspire in this energy for a heightened and expanded human experience upon our shifting Gaia.

You can find Joanna L. Ross here

on Twitter

Universal Unity Playlist:

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Merging Dimensions and Timelines - Source Code Wave, Antimatter, Matter ...

Source Code Wave, Antimatter, Matter
Merging Dimensions and Timelines
Méline Portia Lafont
October 17, 2016

As we are starting to experience more and more facets of our Multi-Dimensional Self through the Solar Christ consciousness, we abide in a cycle of revelations which are being enhanced through the genetics of our immortal Being. Immortality becomes a huge part of our consciousness and awareness now because it has been ingrained within our DNA. And this part of the DNA – which has been called Junk DNA by our Scientists – is indeed awakening and activating Multi-Dimensional experiences and awareness.

Be Blessed, Beloveds and my endless love for your hearts.

I now perform one on one private session on Skype, which includes guidance and a mp3 recording of this.  If you want to know more, take a look at my webshop and the description of such session. These are offered in Dutch and English.  One on one session through skype

Universal created gift  2012-2016.  We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned.  Méline Portia Lafont

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Kryon - Healing the Akashic Wound "Mini included"

Kryon Channelling "Healing the Akashic Wound" by Lee Carroll

Live MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Tuesday - October 11, 2016

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

High Council of Orion – Your Inner Compass of Peace October 2016

High Council of Orion – Your Inner Compass of Peace Oct 3rd 2016

by Holly Hawkins Marwoord

Our message today is one of Peace

For as things are accelerating and changing around your planet you have this potential of seeing a lot of less than peaceful activities, experiences and even atrocities. It’s very easy for the human to reach out with their anger, their upset, their hurts and their sense of injustice. All of this is correct and appropriate. When one sees man’s inhumanity to man, it’s beyond confronting. We would completely agree with you on that.

For more Channeled messages see

To learn more about the Activations that the High Council has taught us and their benefits to you please read


Paul & Holly

I'm Jamie @





We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

You can only Love God by loving yourselves! 10/12/2016 Saul through Joh...

Saul - You can only Love God by loving yourselves! 10/12/2016

by John Smallman

All are loved.  There are no exceptions. All are children of the Divine One.  Nothing can change that because God, Source, Love – choose whatever word works best for you, resonates most powerfully  with you to signify the Supreme Intelligence of infinite Love – eternally and without conditions loves all that It creates.

John's Playlist

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Jesus ~ These are indeed exciting times! October 10, 2016 by John Smallman

Jesus through John

Guidance from an elder brother

These are indeed exciting times!

October 10, 2016 by John Smallman

Jesus playlist

I'm Jamie @




We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)