When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety. August 29, 2017 by John Smallman
Jesus playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqJh1zMI2zk&list=PLU7nt95Z6k9NdydDZ1joWFQjswBZkLbmg
This is a pivotal moment in human history. Enormous changes are underway as your attitudes and beliefs go through extensive cleansing, releasing, reinterpreting, and renewing in preparation for your imminent awakening. It is imminent, and the chaos and conflict that fills your news channels is a very clear indication of this. There are many open hearted and loving people doing great work all across the planet to help the majority deal with all the core issues that are arising within them, seemingly unbidden.
Available now! Directly from John an audio version of the book read by John on a Flash Thumb Drive $15.00 including shipping.
Just pay through PayPal by clicking on my Donate button. Be sure to include your mailing address and state that you are paying for the audio version of “Our Divine Destiny, A Saul Book,” and then I can mail it out to you Worldwide.
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.
**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
Alignment Meditation - Sacred Play, You Are Love by Joanna L Ross
This wonderful video was created by Ashten Zimmerman.
Way to Go Ashten!!! :)
This link enclosed captivates those of us that know there has always been inter-dimensional communion, communication, and entanglement with our star brethren, and there is evidence left for us to muse about and ponder as we get comfortable with our Universal belonging and presence. There are videos such as this of discoveries and artifacts unearthed within every human generation since life began upon this glorious planet, and I am absolutely sure it will continue until we are of the state of Oneness that we no longer need to keep digging for human sense of belonging.
Live Events Page: http://universalunity.ca/uuevents
I hope you enjoy the show and please tune in every Saturday morning at 10:00 PST that's 1:00pm EST http://kcorradio.com
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
This Law of Attraction Pearl of Wisdom is one of the secret sauces that keep the gates of abundance open and it's power is widely underappreciated and underapplied.
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
The Council – Everything is Changing by Ron Head July 30, 2017 http://ronahead.com
The Council Playlist https://youtu.be/EgP_5ji70K8?list=PLU7nt95Z6k9M1TRNeDWP4TFhfS2fb3Nl7
There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
The Council – The Universal Question by Ron Head July 28, 2017 http://ronahead.com
The Council Playlist https://youtu.be/EgP_5ji70K8?list=PLU7nt95Z6k9M1TRNeDWP4TFhfS2fb3Nl7
There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)
Transmitted through Ronna Vezane *STAR*QUEST* www.StarQuestMastery.com * * E-Mail: RonnaStar@earthlink.net
Note from Ronna:
Dearest friends, our new website: www.StarQuestMastery.com is finally up and running. It is still a “work in progress”; however, our PayPal Shopping Cart is now functional. Our old site: www.RonnaStar.com is now nonfunctional; however, that address will direct you to the new site. Thank you for your patience during the time RonnaStar.com was down. For some reason, we were “hacked” by someone from Russia. The Dark Side is now desperate, for it is losing the battle, and we must be more vigilant than ever. It can be frustrating; however, we must send Love/Light to ALL, for truly, “They know not what they do.” We are all experiencing some anxiety and frustration during these wild, unsettling times; however, please understand that we are in the midst of a great transformation process, and our biggest test is to “Hold the Light,” and not get caught up in the maelstrom of negativity. I strongly believe what we have been told, “The best is yet to come.” Forever love and angel blessings, Ronna
** BOOK SIX ** SECRETS OF SELF MASTERY * KEYS TO ASCENSION ** In every era and major cycle, Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Truth are made available to those with open minds and loving hearts. It is a time for an understanding of where humankind stands on the ladder of evolution. Each person must gain the knowledge of, and have a desire to fulfill his/her personal destiny. We offer you vital information to assist you to move onward and upward on the spiral of Ascension with ease and grace. Now is the time we’ve been waiting for. 8 ½ X 11 SPIRAL- BOUND BOOK $25 plus S&H
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Transmitted through Ronna Vezane * www.StarQuestMastery.com *
AUTHORED BY: KEVIN ADAM & RONNA HERMAN VEZANE explains the concepts given in Archangel Michael’s messages in a clear and easy to understand way. This Spiritual Digest of the latest complex spiritual concepts and universal laws has been designed to assist the reader to quickly comprehend, integrate and live the powerful new wisdom teachings, which are an integral part of our forthcoming Fifth-Dimensional reality. ** If you live in the US and wish to purchase a hard copy: $22 + S&H * Go to: http://www.StarQuestMastery.com
We wouldn't have such a large audience if it weren't for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! :)