Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Storytelling & the Profundity of Joyful Action Part 1

Storytelling & the Profundity of Joyful Action Part 1 

Part 2 here.

Joanna takes us on a review of the importance and purpose of human storytelling, and how our evolution of communication will shift, will expand, and change how we are being ushered within new human paradigms to unveil the intelligence, wisdoms, by not only calling upon our ancient history, ancestors knowledge and traditions, but to also add our ascending human cosmic light and intuitive knowings.  We are at an important crucible in our human cycle, and this current of creative manifestations will allow so many to create anew and that will serve the greater good.

Storytelling in the NOW, and how the NOW is the inspirations for future 'you's' and how crystalline children and generations are celebrating our every light-hearted choice to joyfully move beyond limitation and fear.  Share your story, share your light, and know you are forever rippling through Creation as a light and spark of the Divine in human form.

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Original meditation by Joanna L. Ross

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Preparing the ascending ones for contact, higher realm communication, and ascension for new earth!

Blessings and light,





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