Thursday, March 7, 2019

Divine Song ~ Diversity of Joy, Diversity of Love

 Joanna offers the inspirational musings of our vibrations and ascension energies offered; numerological energies of this special month, celestial alignments, and how we are innately creating our own re-balancing, our own healing, our own transformative shifts. How may we ignite our own harmonic joy in living in Oneness with spirit, Gaia, one another, and honouring our body and the God Within; as within, so without. Tapping into the purity of our multi-dimensional potentials and invoke a new intimate journey with Creation in loving sacred joy and honour of thyself as the embodiment of Source. In this, we are able to ride the wave of ascension, the wave of expansion with Gaia, galactic Oneness, and our Omni-present truth. Creating new platforms of quantum play within Creation, with Gaia, and humanity being reborn. How we transcend what was, and begin anew; we choose to anchor and celebrate our Divine human belonging. This is our birthright. In these weekly FREE global meditations; Joanna offers a new weekly ascension topic for channeled discussion, alignment meditation, activation of the multi-dimensional bodies, and initiation of new Divine potential that anchors new light for our collective, for Gaia, for the ALL. Healing, activation of our multi-dimensional bodies with Christis tones, sounds, ancient UR language and language of light; entangling with our God Consciousness fields of intelligence and song for co-creation and expansion. Join us every week for these Divine and Heavenly offerings. ~ Global ascension and healing the human family public speaking and sacred land events. Contact us for event and engagement excitements;

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