Thursday, April 4, 2019

Inner Knowing

Joanna L Ross Inner Knowing ~ Crystalline Children & the Power of Our Birthright

Why it is key for the Divine children now awakening, now moving through their innate inner knowing to begin within what resides within, what we exist within, and who we truly are; understanding who we are, and how our crystalline bodies, DNA, and multi-dimensional structure is the dynamic Universal tool of grace that can allow us to steer, guide, and drive to navigate the density, the darkness, and through any and all earthly, karmic challenges. The energy of emotions, the intuitive blessings and how we are amplifying all that we are can be done to serve us and doesn't have to spiral us into depression, suppression, or other self-sabotage. Children are not told, taught, and do not understand their innate gifts, talents, and why they feel, hear, sense all and are rarely know how to manage within these energies safely, with profound empowerment; it is key we begin these Divinely truthful conversations in joy of our Universal-human ride; and how to navigate in alignment with Source and release the resistance of our profundity ~ You are profound. You are love, you are light. And so it is. ~ Global ascension and healing the human family public speaking and sacred land events. Contact us for event and engagement excitements;

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