Friday, November 4, 2016

Theory of Life - Spiritual Awakening - Spirit Science of Quantum Physics...

METASOULS Theory of Life - Spiritual Awakening - Spirit Science of Quantum Physics Consciousness & Reality

by Tash

Learn how to engage infinity, transcend space-time, and quantum shift to your highest reality. A condensed theory of quantum consciousness, covering space, time, light, energy, the double slit experiment, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, zero point energy density, Wheeler’s Delayed Choice Experiment, Bell’s Theorem, quantum entanglement, EPR, Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity (the speed of light), Hugh Everett’s Many Worlds Theory, parallel universe, other dimensions, David Bohm’s Wholeness and Fragmentation (the Implicate Order), Holomovement & the Holographic Universe tied into a theory of everything (ToE) for quick digestion.

Spirit Science of Quantum Physics Consciousness & Reality: Theory of Life Spiritual Awakening

Learn how your consciousness can tap infinite mass and transcend space-time to align itself to an infinite number of potential realities.

Explore how living a life of fear through other people’s expectations slows and distorts the consciousness’ alignment to your highest reality and how being your true-self channels a spiritualized excitement that utilizes zero-point energy density to quantum shift your consciousness to a reality frequency reflective of your highest potential (law of attraction).

A wake up call, showing you how to find happiness, make the higher self connection and experience oneness with the nature of reality.

Get ready for higher consciousness awakening and understanding quantum physics and how we affect reality. Soul swim with me, won’t you?

Quantum Consciousness (tap the universal mind & unlock the holographic physics of infinity) – 9 minutes from infinite potential to your highest reality. Make the quantum shift!

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