Monday, August 22, 2016

A Morning Message by The Arcturians through Sue Lie August 22, 2016

A Morning Message by The Arcturians

through Sue Lie August 22, 2016

Imagine that you wake up, a bit late for your day, and rush to the bathroom to take your morning shower. You check the temperature and step into the shower. BUT this time, the shower feels as if the water is light. You look up into the showerhead and have a vision that the shower is actually a Portal, and the Portal is raining down many warm streams of Light. You stand very still and allow the shower of light to cover your totally naked body. When you enter the shower, you take nothing with you. All your possessions, or even the clothes that cover your body, remain outside of the shower, as you step inside the shower....

Playlist of all chapters here:

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