Thursday, August 25, 2016

Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself Shifting From Fear to Love by Jeff Street

Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself
Shifting From Fear to Love by Jeff Street

Fear is running rampant on our world and it is blinding many to the inner guiding voice of their soul, and keeping us from creating a better world. We can all transcend our fears by embracing a few higher truths and increasing our awareness of a few important points.

A World of Fear
Our world is dominated by fear.  Fear of terrorism, fear of getting old, fear of death, fear of cancer, fear of whatever — you name it.  The mainstream media bombards us with bad news.  Commercial interests play on our many insecurities and fears to sell product. Our fears are reflected in the wars we wage.  The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on you name it.  Our fears are reflected in the themes and archetypes in our fiction — zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, end-of-the-world, good vs. evil, etc.  Our fears are reflected subtlety and not so subtlety in all aspects of our lives and the world we create. On a personal level, many of us allow the painful or challenging experiences of our past to dominate our thinking and responses in the present.  We live in fear of re-experiencing past traumas and become guarded, defensive, and reactive rather than staying open and present. Perhaps our deepest fears are of not having enough, or not being enough.  Of not being able to provide physically for ourselves and not being good enough, worthy enough, deserving enough.  Fears that were born from the illusion of limitation our reality encourages.  We have become lost in this realm of separation and duality and have come to believe deeply in limitation and separation as absolutes of existence.  We have lost touch with our higher self who knows no limitation and no separation from the one and the all.

Jeff's Website:

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